Here's a new variation on this
I've made "cowboy coffee" at home but I used a recipe for Armenian or Turkish coffee, and I also had a neighbor show me how she makes coffee in Columbia. Both methods put sugar in the water to be boiled and then add the coffee. It came out good and I didn't get any grounds in my cup.
"How about a coffee pot?" I eagerly offered a single plastic french press, but he explained he would be making coffee for several people, and that's the moment we both stared at my patinated pot, it's jaunty little glass hat looking clear and unblemished, sitting all on it's own away from the gear pile (where it won't get hurt). "How about your perc'? It looks the perfect size!" "Oh. Um. Well, okay. But be careful. I don't really want to have to replace that."
Handle the old pots with care...and don't let anyone else near the coffee pot[/I]." And then I made one last pitiful plea "You know I can show you how to make cowboy coffee instead in the GSI and save you the bother of taking my perc'?!"