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Couple new paddles for 2019

Jul 18, 2016
Reaction score
Bowmanville, Ontario
Finished up a set of paddles, one for me, a pair for a charity auction. They are all cedar shafts and blades with walnut handles, the blades are reinenforced with 2 oz FG and epoxy .... they are light and strong.

This one is for me, I had an idea and I like the results.


A pair of this style for the auction


Hanging around geting final varnish coat dry


I have started oiling the grips, as they feel nicer in the hand .. these have 4 coats of Tung Oil, each coat wet sanded in at 600 grit, they are silky smooth to the touch


Beautiful paddles Brian. I too prefer the feel of oiled paddles versus the varnish. I might try wet sanding it as you mention.

Pretty work.

I notice both Varathane and Minwax Helmsman in the photos. Which what where why?
Thank you all for the nice comments.

It was completely accidental that those cans showed up in the picture ... however .. the Helmsman is semi-gloss, which is my preferred finish for paddles, the high gloss (Varathane) doesn't have as nice a hand feel IMO and the high gloss can throw a nasty reflection at times. As to brands, I like the Helmsman and i had the Varathane on hand ... I suspect any decent polyurethane would do as well.

The build up coats use the clear high gloss, the final coat is the semi-gloss, with 320 grit paper between coats. The reason for this regime is that the semi-gloss knocks the shine down by adding a fine powder (silica I believe) to the varnish ... however, successive coats of this will start interfering with how clear the finish (goes opaque) is ... so clear for initial coats, preferred gloss last. I follow that regime for the inside finish of my canoes as well, ending in a matte finish.

That is the What, where and why of it, lol

Yetii ... the description is a bit long, but it is pretty easy to execute ... this is how I do it ... and I just use marine epoxy on the tips.

I cobbled this together from a few batches of paddles, so you may spot differences in the actual paddles, but i am mostly trying to explain the "tipping" process i use.

Get the paddle to the final shape and finish sanded to 80 grit.

Figure out how much tip you want on the paddle (how far up the sides) and mark this on the paddle blade edge (both sides) with a pencil.

Take a piece of scrap 3/4" material (or anything close, this is scrap after all), lay the paddle on the scrap so that your hash marks are about 1.5" from the edge, trace the outline and mark the hash marks on the scrap. Cut out the scrap to the right shape, every shop os different, so use whatever is normal for you to get a close fit to the paddle, I cut to the inside of the line and finish with a Rigid Oscilating sander to the line, then fit close to the paddle.

This pic is further along, but if you look close, you can see the hash marks on the paddle and the dam .... these are for alignment, you will need them. Also notice how the scrap piece (dam) extends further than the where the tip is cut.


The next part is always nerve wracking for me, I use a marking gauge or compass to scribe/mark a 3/8" line (from the paddle edge), from hash mark to hash mark ... I round the line out to the edge so it tapers nicely to the hash mark, then I use the Oscilating sander to sand out the material.

Position the epoxy dam and align it with the hash marks to make sure it all fits snug. I use packing tape to cover the exposed surface on the dam, so the epoxy will release, run the tape across the bottom, sticky side toward the paddle, it forms a sticky blanket when the paddle is put in position. Again, this pic is ahead of where this description is, but you should get the idea.


Position the dam on your work surface, carefully slide in the paddle and try to work the bottom a little to get the sticky tape to stick the paddle close to the edge as is doable (don't overwork, just try a little), clamp the dam and paddle into the correct position using the hash marks.


Mix up your epoxy, use a small brush to saturate the paddle tip (there is now a 3/8" gap between the dam and the paddle), it will take several applications, it is usually end grain and it will drink a lot, i would suggest 5 minutes as a target to saturation. I use wood flour/dust and cabosil (fumed silica) to thicken (think a little less than peanutbutter) the epoxy to whatever colour I have selected ... you can also use pigments in the epoxy. Cabosil sounds fancy if you haven't used it before, bit is pretty standard stuff for epoxy work, it lightens the colour, and makes it less transparent, giving a little more control on final shade. Laddle the epoxy into the tip space between the paddle and the dam ... don't be stingy, overfill by about 1/8" ... it will settle, and it is easier to file off excess than refill a low spot. You want it to look like this ... at least i want it to look like this, so there is lots of epoxy to work with. Check after about 20 minutes and fix anything thats dropped or pop bubbles that may have formed .... you are done till the next day.


Use a rasp file to take off excess epoxy and contour the edge shape, use the sander to do a final rounding of the bottom, sand out to 120 grit and you should have this


And that is how i put the epoxy tips on.

Boreal B .... ahh yes the mouse. Wife agreed to watch the daughters Sphinx cat for the week ... that little guy is a toy in need of new batteries, so it was out in the shop for a refill.

TBH, I didn't even notice it was there, but in a lot of folks pics there are all sorts of "stuff" kicking around, if you take a look.
Surprised that no one commented on the white mouse in picture two.

Oh I spotted the fuzzy mouse. I had a fake mouse on a table yesterday.

I was at the Diner and had to (apologetically?) explain why I hadn’t been around for a week. I did note that I had been on my best behavior for nearly the past month. That was met by some chagrin.

I got a new waitress, Jill. I was unsure, but proceeded as planned. I had a fake mouse in my pocket, with a length invisible 4lb test monofilament sewn through his paw. Fake mouse hidden from view behind the sweetener container, other end of monofilament line taped to the underside of my plate when I finished my meal.

I lingered at check out to see the end result this time. The more “experienced” waitresses kinda knew something was up. A four top of burly guys came in and asked if the diner accepted Discover card.

Yes. “Great, we have the boss’s credit card, let’s eat”

Jill was next up in rotation, walked them back and, before seating them, cleared my plate. A “mouse” scurried across the table. She jumped back a bit and laughed, one of the burly guys jumped back further, and the rest of the boss’s credit card four top laughed even harder. I expect she got a good tip.

Jill caught me on the way out, along Ellen, one of my favorite long-pranked waitresses. Ellen looked at the “mouse”, which they had still on the plate, looked sternly at me and whispered “I would have $^@&ing screamed”

I suggested that Jill take the fake mouse home, put it on a pantry shelf and tape the fishing line to the door, so it would leap out at whoever next opened the cabinet.

She seemed deviously delighted with that idea.

Back on topic

Finished up a set of paddles, one for me, a pair for a charity auction. They are all cedar shafts and blades with walnut handles

Forgive my ignorance, how did you achieve the striped colors on the blade of your paddle? I can perhaps see how to achieve that diagonal orientation (gluing up a larger rectangle and cutting on the bias?).

But this blows me away.

How the hell do you do that kinda curlie cue inlay?
dang those other paddles with curvy inlays are nice too. It takes me two or three tries to cut a 2x4 to the right length. So I alway start proud and whittle my way down!:)