• Happy 3rd Moon Landing, Apollo 14 (1971)! 🚀👨‍🚀🌕

Coppermine river


We have hiked up to the top of the canyon, and are looking back up river into the Rocky Defile. Paddling over to that eddy on river left would have been a potentially very serious mistake.


We stood before this cairn overlooking the Rocky Defile, and read the following inscription.

David and Carol Jones drowned in these rapids August 14, 1972. They loved the north and its people. They respected honesty and truth.

I have read that since then, and when we arrived in 1995, at least six more people have drowned in the Rocky Defile Rapids.


We lunched at the cairn, which seemed like an emotional intrusion into our concerns about running the Rocky Defile. We all know that wilderness canoeing entails risk, but we did not enjoy being reminded so graphically when faced with our most serious challenge of the trip.


Down at river level, the waves looked more threatening than when scouting from the high canyon walls. Kathleen and I have a rule. If either one of us wants to portage, then we portage. No cajoling or trying to make the other person run the rapid. We both have to want to run.

You do not have to run this if you do not want to Kathleen.

I think we can do it Michael.

Again I said, You do not have to run this if you do not want to Kathleen. I was actually trying to get her to say she wanted to portage. I was not entirely confident.

She said, We can do this Michael. We just have to start out river centre to get past those initial big waves, and then head hard right to cross the wave train right at the corner. Then we will be in the eddy. We only have to make two moves. Paddle out. Paddle back.

OK. If you say so.

Carey said, You better paddle hard. The river is moving like a locomotive. That did not make me feel any better or more confident.


So we headed back to the canoes, and paddled toward the entry to the Rocky Defile. Carey and Janice went first. As Kathleen and I began our descent, my mouth dried instantly. We paddled out. We paddled back. We hit the eddy around the corner. A few minutes later we paddled out of the Rocky Defile in mostly very calm water. Just like Kathleen said.


We have now reached the Kendall River, which leads to the Dismal Lakes, another traditional native route to Great Bear Lake.


This confluence of the Kendall and Coppermine Rivers also served as a traditional Inuit char fishing camp, and we decided to stay here for our first rest day, other than those imposed by bad weather, after more that three weeks on the trip.

The next morning we got up late, and enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes, strawberries and whipped cream. Well, actually, it was Dream Whip. We then paddled 15 minutes up the Kendall River to the first rapid, where the fishing was excellent.


After only a few minutes we landed five Arctic Grayling for dinner.


In addition to the excellent fishing, Kathleen just enjoyed being in this pretty, little canyon, with sedimentary walls covered with Jewel lichen.


Although the birds had already flown south, we believe this large nest belonged to an eagle or rough legged hawk.


Rock Cranberry adorned the scree slopes.


In the afternoon, while Kathleen and I napped, Carey also caught a 60 cm (25 inch) lake trout. We now had too many fish to simply serve as a main course. There was only one thing to do, and that was to gorge ourselves. We ate until we could eat no more. We sat around the campfire, just cooking and eating fish. Note the large grate, large cooking pit and plenty of sawn firewood left for us by the Inuit at their traditional char fishing camp.


Sometimes, between courses of fish, we enjoyed the view south up the Coppermine River.


But our attention quickly reverted to the task at hand, which was cooking fish, eating fish and sipping tea.


This had been the most relaxing day of the trip. Each night Kathleen read from Franklin Expedition diaries for descriptions of the upcoming section of river. We also studied the map made by the Franklin Expedition. The next 100 km (60 miles) were described as rapids frequent and dangerous.

We fell asleep, only a little bit worried about the upcoming challenges.

The next day was clear, but cool (4 degrees C. 39 degrees F) and windy, as we stopped for lunch near the northern limit of trees in the September Mountains.


Lunch in the September Mountains, a little upriver from Melville Creek.

Kathleen and I regularly gave slide shows at hospitals and long term care facilities when we lived in Vancouver. We began our Coppermine show with the following quote.

It is said that a long time ago an Inuk, who was named Upaum, was being chased by a brown bear. As he ran north he bent down and drew a line with his finger in the earth. Immediately a great stream of water gushed along the line, and grew into a huge river, saving Upaum. This great river flowing north became the Coppermine.

At one presentation at a long term facility, when we finished the quote, a lady from near the back said

If you are not going to tell the truth, then we are not going to listen.

Apparently, her understanding of the truth did not include Inuit creation legends.


We eventually paddled 58 km (36 miles) today, leaving us only 75 km (46 miles) from Kugluktuk (Coppermine). We would reach Muskox Rapids tomorrow. According to the Paddling Guide to the Northwest Territories, Muskox Rapids must be scouted.


Carey and Kathleen scouting Muskox Rapids. River left looks open, but there is a ledge. Kathleen and I generally run rivers from inside bend to inside bend. We did here too. We paddled out to get beyond the ledge. Got our angle, and then powered back across the wave train into the eddy. So far so good.

We met our second paddlers of the trip here. A couple from Colorado camped on the left bank.


We ran Sandstone Rapids without scouting, and in the middle of the afternoon arrived here at Escape Rapids, the last rapid in the 100 km (60 mile) section that Franklin indicated had rapids frequent and dangerous. According to the Paddling Guide to the Northwest Territories, Escape Rapids is rated as Class III or IV, depending on water levels. The Paddling Guide also says.

Escape is the most difficult rapid of the trip and should be carefully scouted. The river flows through an S-curve gorge creating turbulence near the canyon walls on the outside curves. Two metre (6 foot) waves roll across the left limit at the first bend and a large ledge blocks passage on river right. Canoeists who decide to run this rapid should do so in empty boats.

We certainly would not follow the advice in that last sentence.If we are going to portage all the gear, we might as well portage the canoe as well. We would run or portage, not a combination of both. Besides, a loaded canoe might not be as maneuverable, but it is more stable. We decided to run. We selected our route. We needed only to ferry over to river right to avoid the large waves at the entry on river left and then ferry very aggressively back toward river left, using an eddy behind some large boulders. This would allow us to avoid the ledge extending out from river right.
We headed back to the canoes.

Carey and Janice went first. They always do in difficult water. Carey was arguably among the top five canoeists in the Province of British Columbia, where we lived in 1995. Carey was certainly the best canoeist I knew.

Back in the boats, we forward ferried over toward river right, slowly dropping down below the large waves on river left. We then began forward ferrying back to river left, hoping to drop just below the large waves. I was stroking very hard. I felt a genuine urgency to get back to river left to avoid going over the ledge on river right. You would have felt the same urgency, I am sure. I grunted involuntarily with each stroke, like a tennis player on television, putting everything I had into every stroke. We were now close to the boulder eddy, and gaining on Carey and Janice. How could we be gaining on Carey and Janice? We don’t gain on Carey and Janice. Perhaps we were too close to the eddy and should back off. No, that can not be it. Everyone knows it is almost always best to hit an eddy as high as possible. I stroked and grunted, stroked and grunted some more, and ran into the stern of Carey and Janice. Not a hard bump, or on purpose. We just wanted to get into that eddy.

Seconds later we were in that eddy. We turned downstream and paddled out of Escape Rapids.

Kathleen and I celebrated in the tent that night with fruitcake and brandy. Only three marked rapids and 34 km (21 miles) to go. We should be in Coppermine in two days, a full three days ahead of schedule.


After dinner that evening, we strolled away from camp to look back up toward the exit of Escape Rapids.


The next morning we prepare to portage around Bloody Falls.


Our first portage of the trip, which extended approximately 2 km ( a little over a mile) along the ridge on river right.


Kathleen and I usually carry three loads each to the end of the portage trail. It would be nice if she really could carry as much as two men, as Matonabbee had suggested to Hearne. I would have had to carry only two loads then.


The portage was actually relaxing, because we were able to enjoy side trips to the ridge top, very near to where Richardson first sighted the Coronation Gulf, now only 16 km (10 miles) away.


South, back up the Coppermine, to near where Hearne first reached the Coppermine River as he travelled north and west from Fort Prince of Wales in 1771.


Hearne named this site Bloody Falls, because his guide, Matonabbee, led his Dene hunters into a massacre of Inuit as they lay sleeping in their tents on the left bank.


After finishing the portage, and enjoying an afternoon pot of tea, Carey and Janice paddled away from Bloody Falls, to try to catch the scheduled flight tomorrow from Kugluktuk (Coppermine) to Yellowknife.


Kathleen and I stayed behind, though, to enjoy the place and spirit of Kugluktuk, which I have read means Place Where the River Drops. I fished in the same spot where Inuit have also fished for thousands of years before me.


I had promised Kathleen that we would have fish for dinner. Every 15 minutes or so I hooked one, only to lose it near the shore. After nearly two hours I finally kept my promise with this White Fish.


Bloody Falls remains a popular place to fish for the people of Kugluktuk (Coppermine). Kathleen and I were enjoying being all alone on the river. Soon after our meal, however, four groups from town arrived by powerboat. Five people stood on the left bank. Nine people clambered up the right bank. They had come to fish at the falls. Our few hours of being alone on the river were over.


The next morning, Kathleen and I paddled contentedly on a wide, smoothly flowing river that unceremoniously ended its journey at the arctic coast. No last rapids. No last drops or ledges. The Coppermine River just simply disappeared into the Coronation Gulf. We turned left around a point and headed west toward the town of Kugluktuk (Coppermine). Between sandy shoals and the shore, the water depth provided only a few centimetres (inches) of draft, and minutes later we were dragging our canoe across the tidal flats, in the rain. Our last physical struggle on the Coppermine River.


Kathleen and I had planned to spend two days visiting this arctic community, but the campground we head read about in a brochure did not have running water or toilets. The only hotel, the Coppermine Inn, was full. One bed and breakfast was closed for the season. The other was full.

Luckily for us, First Air had a scheduled jet service to Yellowknife that afternoon. Ninety minutes after boarding the plane, we were back in Yellowknife. That evening, seated in a restaurant enjoying pizza and wine, we reminisced about the 28 days we spent going overland from Fort Enterprise on Winter Lake to Point Lake, and then down the Coppermine River. We were glad that Carey and Janice had invited us. Kathleen and I would not likely have done this trip on our own.
Thanks for sharing that pretty amazing trip. Your captions where very interesting, sharing history with your present experiences. Running those rapids so far from help had me on the edge of my seat, the pictures where great also.
I'm glad you persevered and managed to finish the report. Thanks
Thanks Robin. The history was one of the main reasons we went on the Coppermine, starting at Winter Lake. Without the history there would not have been any good reason to endure a ten day over the height of land trek. The Franklin Party had been stopped at Obstruction Rapids for 18 days on their return trip from the Arctic coast. These Rapids were lower down on the Coppermine system than where we entered at Point Lake. The original plan from Carey was to backpack for two days each way, from Starvation Lake, to view Obstruction Rapids. By the time we reached Starvation Lake, there was no enthusiasm for this plan. It turns out that we were not masochists.

There is always a danger in running rapids, even with help very nearby. Sweepers. Foot entrapment. Recirculating ledges. In 1995, Kathleen and I were competent paddlers. Not elite, but we had spent a lot of time running rapids with our canoe club. In Vancouver we could paddle year round, and our club organized trips every weekend. Mostly white water. Joining a safety conscious club was the best thing we ever did. Kathleen and I are not risk takers.
Danke Robin. Die Geschichte war einer der Hauptgründe, warum wir auf die Coppermine gingen, beginnend am Winter Lake. Ohne die Geschichte hätte es keinen guten Grund gegeben, einen zehntägigen Höhenmarsch über Land zu ertragen. Die Franklin Party war auf ihrer Rückreise von der arktischen Küste 18 Tage lang in Obstruction Rapids angehalten worden. Diese Stromschnellen befanden sich tiefer im Coppermine-System als dort, wo wir am Point Lake eintraten. Der ursprüngliche Plan von Carey war, zwei Tage lang vom Starvation Lake aus mit dem Rucksack zu fahren, um Obstruction Rapids zu sehen. Als wir Starvation Lake erreichten, gab es keinen Enthusiasmus für diesen Plan. Es stellt sich heraus, dass wir keine Masochisten waren.

Beim Laufen in Stromschnellen besteht immer eine Gefahr, auch wenn Hilfe ganz in der Nähe ist. Kehrmaschinen. Fußeinklemmung. Umlaufende Leisten. 1995 waren Kathleen und ich kompetente Paddler. Nicht Elite, aber wir hatten viel Zeit damit verbracht, mit unserem Kanuclub Stromschnellen zu rennen. In Vancouver konnten wir das ganze Jahr über paddeln, und unser Club organisierte jedes Wochenende Ausflüge. Hauptsächlich weißes Wasser. Einem sicherheitsbewussten Club beizutreten war das Beste, was wir je gemacht haben. Kathleen und ich gehen keine Risiken ein.
Hallo Kathleen & Michael, wir haben euch 2001 auf dem Campingplatz in Fort Smith kennengelernt und hatten einen sehr schönen Abend zusammen. Wie geht es dir? Sie können uns gerne unter bohmjens6@gmail.com kontaktieren. Viele Grüße von Jens und Katja
Hallo Kathleen & Michael, wir haben euch 2001 auf dem Campingplatz in Fort Smith kennengelernt und hatten einen sehr schönen Abend zusammen. Wie geht es dir? Sie können uns gerne unter bohmjens6@gmail.com kontaktieren. Viele Grüße von Jens und Katja
Hi Kathleen & Michael, we met you at the Fort Smith campground in 2001 and had a lovely evening together. How are you doing? You are welcome to contact us at bohmjens6@gmail.com. Greetings from Jens and Katja

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Wow, I don't know how I missed this one, but thanks so much! I'm going to be late for work now, but it's worth it, and I'm sure grade nine kids can wait a few minutes for a fascinating powerpoint on the sex life of plants.
Wow, I don't know how I missed this one, but thanks so much! I'm going to be late for work now, but it's worth it, and I'm sure grade nine kids can wait a few minutes for a fascinating powerpoint on the sex life of plants.
Glad you liked it, mem. When I posted this report, I assumed, incorrectly, that people would not want long trip reports. So I broke the Coppermine trip into two parts. The first part is presented in “Winter Lake to Point Lake, on page 6 of Canadian Trip Reports. I posted it on September 2, 2018, 4 days before posting this segment. You might want to look at Winter Lake to Point Lake to complete the presentation.