• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Confessions of a recalcitrant...

Yellow, I don't reckon we'll see you sporting that double blade in any free style events anytime soon. The single blade is graceful. Double blade = busy.
Paddling is paddling and FreeStyle strokes also work with the double blade. There is a gal here who is quite accomplished with "double blade FS in a kayak". Not me and she cant pitch the bow down, but the rest is very very graceful. You might have been looking at too many amateur rec kayakers thwacking away

I get a chuckle out of our preconceptions.
YC, not trying to flame anyone. Just a little playful ribbing. I have tons of respect for you and your abilities (saw you on Youtube in a couple videos). You and your canoe are awesome dance partners. I will never be as graceful as you.

I, ah, oh well, I might as well fess up, have a double blade paddle. Used to have a Wenona Vagabond that I farted around with on day trips. Double blade was the only way you could get anywhere at a decent clip. My C-stoke worked but at a snails pace. The double blade was just to busy for me to relax. Anyway, I traded that boat in on a Bob Special and went back to a single blade because I find it to be more relaxing for me.

So Mem, I'm kind of a prodigal son. Kind of a born again single blade paddler that saw the light. I hope you can find it in your heart to look past my former miss dead's. We'll pray for those on the dark-side.:)
The most fervent disciples are the formerly reformed. I actually owned a kayak once, and the double blade to go with it. Satan's craft got me into more mischief than a run-a-way goat. I traded it for a kawasaki 500 three cylinder two stroke motorcycle that got me into even more trouble...but it all started with that dang kayak.
Finally got out with the new bent shaft this weekend. Ran an overnight trip with the high school kids. The verdict is....I love the bent shaft. I was totally blown away. I had a much faster cadence and the stroke finished naturally at the hips. So an old dawg can learn new tricks!
What length did you go with? I fergit! I packed some today for a trip later this week.. ssssh... a double and a bent. The wind is up... up up and the lake is big.. I think elegance will be far down the list in priorties
54 inch I believe. I was paddling one of those wennonah spirit things, so me arse was below the waterline, and the paddle seemed to be just right. Remains to be seen in a normal canoe where I'm not sitting almost on the bottom.
Congratulations! You could get up from the arse almost on the bottom position. Ergo you are still young! I think every ten years one additional Manhattan phone book of height for the seat is required ( that is if there still IS such a thing as a Manhattan phone book)
Ha ha, that canoe gives me cramped quads and sore ankles, and I often stagger out of it after a long paddle. The only thing I like about it is carrying it.
What the hell. Guy gets married to a sweetheart of a gal and right away goes to the bent shaft...What's next..."Sorry, haven't had time to post lately, been busy with house work and knitting"

What's happening to my Canadian hero's?
LOL, you guys are funny. I'll post pics of my moose hunting trip in October, probably be using a straight paddle, the seat in the 20 footer is good and high. Maybe if I post enough pics of my gun and a carcass or two, I'll get my Man-Card back.