• Happy Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 BC)! "alea iacta est" 🎲

Clearing a stream

Good information. Clearing trout streams of cover and debris will always be controversial, but strainers are one of the worst hazards on any river. I would put saving human lives in front of trout habitat for navigable rivers.

Speaking of chain lube alternatives, my Uncle Alaska Bob used to put salad oil in his chainsaw for butchering moose.
Our local canoe outfitters clear the local streams in the spring by power boat, when the water's high. This puts them above the work. Friend of mine (outfitter) says they use a long bar and do most of the sawing under water, next to the boat, with it (the boat) tied off upstream so it doesn't move.

If I had to do it, I'd use the plywood on the bank to keep from sinking in, cut one end free, and let the current do the heavy lifting, maybe with an axe to do the final cutting to give me time to get out of the way.