Well done! Wonderful video! I need to focus on getting more video on my future trips and editing it.
One question, it looks like you have at least a partial spray cover for your cedar stripper. Any details on that? Purchased? Homemade? How does it attach to your cedar strip Kite (beautiful canoe by the way)?
Thanks Alsg, I made them from 1.6 oz silpoly sold by ripstop by the roll. There's a loop on each end that goes over the gunwales tips, then the rest snaps just under the gunwales. The spray skirt has gros grain webbing along the inside edge to stiffen it up a little where the snaps are attached to the fabric. I should have used wider gros grain and put it on the outside to protect the light fabric, it gets snagged and abraded through quickly. I put Velcro tabs where the skirt goes over the front and rear thwart.
They work well for keeping rain off the gear if it's a crappy day. The poly doesn't stretch when wet, so I built it to fit tight. Water accumulates in the front where my pack isnt tall enough to help, but rolling the canoe from side to side gets rid of it. If I was slightly more motivated i would sew in a sleeve to add something that resembles a coaming at the front thwart. The canoe also seems to handle better in the wind.