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Chums first cannoe trip into...

Oct 6, 2014
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Long Island NY
Jersey! With ice still locking up the Northern lakes up in the NY Adirondacks it was time to take the Chestnut out on it's first campout and travel South towards Philadelphia PA and spend 2 days and 1 night paddling the meandering Mullica River with friends.
I planned this trip in March but can't remember why it didn't happen then, instead we were lucky to go last week on a very windy dry day. The 175 mile drive was interesting with the little Chum catching lots of wind as I drove over a few bridges near the NYC area. My friend had a tougher time with the 17ft Dagger on top of his car. Later the next day we spoke to another paddler whose roof rack was blown off his vehicle near the put in because of the high winds. Not to sure about the condition of the boats but he said the 3 boats were still strapped onto the rack when they went back to get them.

So, the Mullica river is a narrow meandering river in the Wharton State Forest which is located in the Pine Barrens. The water color is a tea color from the tannin in the pine trees and iron in the soil from what I was told. There is a lot of leaning pine trees and bushes that used to get cleared by the local scouts but again I was told that doesn't happen anymore. It's about an 11 mile paddle from put in to take out but if you want to camp out there are designated sites around the midpoint. NJ website is where you now pay, no longer Reserve America.

So the Chum was loaded as usual, local firewood was purchased, wannigan gift was filled up and strapped closed with the design looking right at me (thanks R), a few stoves were on board, cooler placed inside a Canadian canvas pack (Memaquay's) with the precious Matza Ball soup and my Piragis pack with a camping hammock that I just picked up recently after a snowy camping trip (different story). Off I went, the current was quick enough that when I went to take pics I had about 2 seconds to snap a pic, grab the paddle and duck or avoid blowdowns.

I had turned the Chum around so that I was paddling from the bow with all the gear in front and cooler behind me. Felt a bit cramped because of the thwart close to my legs, I am used to stretching out my legs and wondered if I should have just paddled from the stern with all the gear in front like the CT website pic. Then I though about why i didn't set the Chum up as a solo last year when having it restored. It is tipsy when my wife and I paddle together in it. Just a few thoughts as I made my way through the brush.

Good news was that I did not tip over! I did come close when my lousy paddling skills let me get caught sideways a few times with some big strainers. Tried some ideas that worked and some that didn't. I did use a seat back and had to unclip it a few times to lean way way back under a few hanging trees. One time as I bent forward clearing the tree I was about to smile when suddenly I was yanked back! What the heck? Yep, like a giant hand grabbing me a branch had caught the back of my pfd and wouldn't let go. Oh crap, what the heck do i do now? So since that has happened before on other trips I somehow prayed that my Chum would slowly back peddle and help me get unhooked. It somehow knew that I needed help and got me off that branch. Of course it happened again but got caught on Mem's backpack. Freekin hanging branches, had to duck so many times, also got poked in the neck and realized how dangerous that could have been. The other guys were experiencing the same, it even stole a hat from one of our CT family members (bcelect).

Once in a while I didn't make it through carefully and bounced off a branch here and there. each time I wondered if I was gashing up the canvas or cracking a plank or rib. I was talking to the Chum telling it how sorry I was and the next trip would be on open water with no blowdowns.

After the overnight, great time eating and campfire as usual it was about a 3 hour paddle to the take out with again a few narrow spots but some more open areas. There were scout trips, club trips on the water so one had to be careful not to get clogged up waiting at the strainers.

So the first overnight with the restored Chum was a fantastic trip to the NJ Pinebarrens! Fun was had by all, especially me. Hey, I think I finally downloaded pics .


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Nice TR, looks like those hanging branches gave you a work out, those knishes looked really good, especially in a cold handle.

One of the reasons you want a wood canvas canoe is to enjoy the beautiful interior wood work as you travel thru nature. You got so much stuff stuffed in there you can't see the canoe...haha, great fun!
Good for you Coldfeet. But I have to ask, weren’t you worried about the Jersey Devil?

Coldfeet brought along some Drakes Devil Dogs in case we didn't get to see the Jersey Devil. I think the Devil Dogs are tastier than the Jersey Devil would be. Thanks again Coldfeet.
I love the Mullica. Thanks for sharing your trip
How many sticks and leaves wound up in the boat?
Ive had boogieman branches grab my pfd too
Can be unsettling!
Coldfeet - Thanks for bringing us along. That's a place I've always wanted to paddle. With retirement arriving this coming January, 2020, I'm hoping to get there next spring. Hopefully we might be able to hook up for a trip if you're going that way. When I go, I think I'll do it in my Rapidfire so I'm already sitting low. That might allow me to escape the bulk of the bowing and scraping you seemed to endure on your adventure.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Thanks for posting Coldfeet, it's great how even a one nighter can recharge your battery. I'm looking forward to a trip in one of my w/c boats, maybe later this fall. I'll be in Pa. then, if you're interested maybe we can get a little trip together.
Very nice trip report- and good to see you paddling the Chum with a single blade...:rolleyes:
Chestnuts are made to be used; glad to hear that it got a "workout".

I was back in Peterborough Saturday for an event at the Canoe Museum and was sharing stories about Chums vs Bobs Specials with the curator. Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's Bobs is there, a pre-fire Bobs that is significantly different shape from mine. Wonder if they'd consent to a test paddle?

Cheers! Bruce
Hi folks,

Jim, Thinking that Jersey Devil had lowered lots of branches and trees into the water. Maybe I should have said a blessing and tossed the Devil dogs unwrapped into the Mullica and let it float for a while to ask for a safe trip like a viking.

Robin, I did get to see the ribs where my feet were, very pretty until it was covered in mud :( Going to have to figure that out, maybe clear packs?

Bruce, always good to hang out, let's do it again in the fall when the water and campgrounds are quieter with other CT folks.

Fitz, thanks, wanted to go on the your chapter trip but had this planned for a while. Hope all is well, need to talk this summer at Paul Smiths and opinion needed.

YC, oh boy, lots of sticks and then when cleaning out, spiders! I hate spiders! It was very nerve wracking trying to break free. Tried power paddling and after 2-3 seconds of chocking myself I had to paddle backwards. since I was the sweeper no one was there for help. Need to be be more careful and observant, always learning something.

Snapper - early congrats and certainly. You will sit much lower than me but a double blade is tough in many tight spots. Be prepared to bring home some scratches on the RF.

Al, would love to add PA to my scratch list! Will keep in touch, thanks.

Pook - this time I took only single blades! No rushing so I could just figure out how to make the Chum move. Up in Canada having to get to those locks by a certain time was difficult for me first time really trying to single blade, so I used the double to catch up with the group. I did feel that the shorter bent paddle was better than the longer straight beaver tail paddle. But most probably because of so many factors than I'm still trying to figure out.

Best to all and safe paddling!
Hmmmmmm....we should have a gathering of Chums. That would be a good canoe trip. Since you guys have shown me yours, I'll show you mine.

Any Chum owners wanna come to Northern Ontario for a Chum trip?
Nice trip and a very pretty boat. All canoes should be green.
Nice trip and a very pretty boat. All canoes should be green.

What sort of green? Forest, Hunter, apple or puke?
That said the Mullica is the epitome of kayak hell.. Not only do you have to get out for logs sometimes you lose the paddle in the vegetation.
Coldfeet - While I realize most paddle the Rapidfire with a double blade, I forgo that convention and use a 10 degree bent shaft when out in that canoe. I do bring a double bladed paddle with me but I like having my bent shaft for most paddling needs. Looks like that's the way to go so thanks for letting me know.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Snapper- forgot that I too use a single blade bent paddle at times with the RF because I have the high seat. Used it a lot while with bioguide up in algonquin. Gee, I'm forgetting things these days.

Mem - very cool. I noticed yours is set up for soloing, that's exactly what I want to do. Will talk to some folks who can make that happen for me. Plus I would love to go up North. Send the location so I can add a map pto my wall with another bucket list! But I do love winter also with the SnowTrekker club.
Here's my first Chestnut Chum that I set up as a solo. I now prefer the tandem set up Chum as I like the look of the packs and most of the canoe in front of me as I travel out there. I could never get used to half the canoe behind me.
But, the Chum as a solo would probably be good for you Coldfeet, nice level ride.

Don't worry about mud in the Chum, ads character (stick a sponge up under the deck plate and clean the canoe at camp in the evening)

Memaquay - A Chum gathering would be pretty nice, get a chance to try each others canoes, eat some spam and kinish out of a cold handle and tells lies around the campfire. You ain't been around a campfire till you spend an evening with Coldfeet.

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Coldfeet - While I realize most paddle the Rapidfire with a double blade, I forgo that convention and use a 10 degree bent shaft when out in that canoe. I do bring a double bladed paddle with me but I like having my bent shaft for most paddling needs. Looks like that's the way to go so thanks for letting me know.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.


Yep 46 inch Fox Worx bent shaft with my RapidFire.. Had it a loong time since 2007. I too have the high seat but that paddle works well with the low seat too. Many sea kayakers here who of course use a double blade for paddling have a single short blade for a spare instead of lugging around another double.. Many like old Zavs since they can cut them down to desired length
Here's my first Chestnut Chum that I set up as a solo. I now prefer the tandem set up Chum as I like the look of the packs and most of the canoe in front of me as I travel out there. I could never get used to half the canoe behind me.
But, the Chum as a solo would probably be good for you Coldfeet, nice level ride.

Don't worry about mud in the Chum, ads character (stick a sponge up under the deck plate and clean the canoe at camp in the evening)

Memaquay - A Chum gathering would be pretty nice, get a chance to try each others canoes, eat some spam and kinish out of a cold handle and tells lies around the campfire. You ain't been around a campfire till you spend an evening with Coldfeet.

I think Robin just likes to hear me blabber because of my city accent, "can I please have a glass or wartar. hehe I'm sure his horses are wondering what the heck I'm saying to them. Better make in an afternoon campfire because I haven't learned to sip those them early evening drinks. I know I'm going to wake up one day and find a kayak tatoo on my butt with a guy peeing on it!

Mem, yea I did read quit a few posts about your snowmobiling trips up in those areas. I'm game for that. I'll bring the bagels and knishes and barter to be a passenger.

YC, I too bought a Fox river nice wood bent shaft, not to sure the length. Going to have to also admit buying one of his very very long double blades to use with that
Monarch that I sold a few years ago. the paddle can also be used for an old Hornbeck that I have. I rushed into that paddle purchase and picked up a 270cm length. I wanted a 260 but he was out of them and I was impatient. Will give him a call and see if it can get shortened to a 250cm.