• Happy Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 BC)! "alea iacta est" 🎲

Challenging weather conditions, what's your experiences

Microburst at Forked Lake in the Adirondacks about 1980.. the kids had a tent and adults had a tent.. A tree came down inbetween the two tents..giant white pine that got topped. Needless to say someone could have died.

Wind in camp scares me. We paddled on Smoothrock Lake in Wabakimi in one spot as trees were crashing down on our campsite.. we flattened the tent and ran to get in the boat. We were on a relatively sheltered shore and kept paddling till the short lived storm stopped. At least we couldnt get hit easily by a tree. Wind on the water never gets better so if it starts getting dicey and our innards speak to us..its time to get to a safe place.

Its amazing what a few feet of vertical can do. We have enough height here at home for the wind to ( aside from the sheltered side of the house) blow away the blackflies. Our neighbors 600 feet away and 10 feet lower are beseiged.

The lesson that I learned from the time Robin mentioned is that day tripping can be hazardous. One guy on the trip camped elsewhere , came to visit and then couldn't get back.. as it was only a day trip he wasn't ready to spend the night.

Ever since, if I am "daytripping" , overnight gear goes along with me. This kinda ensures that there isnt much solo basecamping. as I really don't look forward to bringing a whole camp down to reerect it.
I was in the Everglades on one of the capes west of Cape Sable in the Gulf when shortly after it got dark the wind started picking up. Within a matter of minutes it was flattening our friends nylon tent. I had a campfire tent and had to change the angle so it didn't hit us broadside. The scariest thing was there was thounder and lightning non stop all across the sky, I kept expecting it to start pouring down rain, but it never did not even a drop. My wife was horrified she was curled up in a ball clutching her sneakers. I never saw anything like it.

Luckily one thing I can say is that bad weather never ruined a trip for me, but it is one of the things that can kill you out there.