The dog ate my homework.
So it looks like it's over to you Mr Corry.
So it looks like it's over to you Mr Corry.
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Hmmm... OK. Where might one find Inlet campsite?
Ah Mr. Yellowcanoe
You're new here aren't you. Ha ha.
Ah Mr. Yellowcanoe, note that I asked Inlet campsite, not Inlet campground! All in fun of course. But you got it... Inlet campsite on Round Pond, Allagash Waterway.
I've camped there twice; first as a 14 year old in 1966 with my Boy Scout troop, and more recently- well, some 40 years later- with my adult son. His first canoe trip. Great site each time!
Yellowcanoe, my sincere apologies; apparently I am not a close reader!
Alsg, right you are... Inlet site is on the most northerly Round Pond, just south of Musquacook Deadwater.
If I did the math correctly according to "Maine Hometown Locator" there is one (1) round bog, two (2) round lakes, two (2) Round Mt. Ponds and forty (40) Round Ponds. So if I'm correct here is the next trivia question, another fairly easy one. Name to two (2) canoe carries between Axton Landing and the village of Saranac. Bonus points name the creek you would take and the name of the road to Axton Landing.
Apologies for thread drift... but about Mud Pond:
The reference to Mud Pond made me think; some years ago I built a large camp for a client on Caribou Lake (the one northwest of Millinocket on the Golden Road). I've wondered about extending an Allagash trip by starting at Ripogenous Dam and paddling into Caribou Lake, then into Chesuncook Lake, past Gero Island, then it looks like one might just float on a trickle into Umbazooksus Lake. A 1.75 mile portage to Longley Stream leads one into MUD POND. From there it's a short hop/drag on another trickle into Chamberlain Lake and the start of the official Allagash.
By my calculations it will add nearly 30 miles of paddling, and maybe 2.5 miles of portage.
Thanks for the mud pond carry link. Quite entertaining. I did notice that dri ki piled up at the intersection with the Greenville Rd as we drove by each day to the job site from Pray's Cottages. Quite impressive! In spite of the camps I would probably spend the first night at my friends camp on Caribou. And of course, hope for high water so probably a Spring trip. Next year?