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Canoes and guns...

Mar 20, 2013
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We've bene talking about canoes and guns and hunting from canoes and what guns etc etc... I have a favorite moose canoe hunting rifle and it is my Ruger #1 international in 30-06, I love that riffle a lot, got me a few moose since I have it, but this year my dad gave me his old Browning BAR Belgium made 30-06( the best caliber for moose and the north IMO) what a beautiful riffle that is, Just like rifle used to be made, wood nice wood, steel is real, deep blued metal, open sight!! Anyway, I got a moose with it this year, but it's not the same, the Rugger is a lot shorter, and feel better to me!!

On a side note for the Canadian here that buy and sell rifles and shotguns on a regular basis, what is a good site/place to buy used fire arms?

p.s. I would love to find an old savage model 24C(camper) in 22lr/410... :cool:
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I have had good success buying used guns from this site. It's probably the biggest site in Canada. You have to apply for the equipment exchange. Prices are ridiculous, but the turnover is pretty high, you have to watch it constantly if you are after a certain type of gun, a gun with a good price will go very quickly. https://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum/forum.php The political views on the site are pretty infuriating, so read at your own risk, lol.

I have heard that this site is good too but I have never used it. https://www.gunpost.ca//

I had a couple of savage model 24's, and I am done with them. People want huge amounts of money for them now, and 90 percent of them have problems with barrel alignment. What I mean is that the two barrels don't shoot at the same spot. My last one, at 20 yards the .22 shot six inches to the right of the .410. A nice one will fetch 700 dollars now, which is crazy. Some people have had good luck with these ones. https://www.cabelas.ca/product/123716/chiappa-double-badger-rifle I've been thinking about pulling the trigger on one, but i would have to sell a few guns first.

My latest canoe gun, one that I think I will keep is the new Henry single shot. I picked up one in .308, this is my first year hunting with it. I probably won't get anything, next week is the last week of calf season, and I'm working the entire week. It is a simple, beautiful gun for a very reasonable price.

Yesterday, I walked around 12 k, with the Henry over my shoulder, while carrying the little piece of crap shown below.

The plus side of it is that it is very light and compact. The minus side is that I had two light primer strikes in ten shots, the trigger is scary light, and the peep sites on it are impossible to use. I seldom miss partridge, and I missed around ten times. With a red dot or a small scope it might be useable, but it is currently on my "for sale" list.

I'm going to try to get the freighter out hunting again this weekend, but I have to DJ a Halloween dance Saturday night, which will mean 3 AM before I get hime, so it's not looking good, lol.
My favorite rifle in a canoe or otherwise is the Browning BLR in .308, but its obviously too much on small game. Fortunately around these parts juvenile hogs are small game and it works great on them. :) With 180 or 200 grain bullet .308 is more than enough to kill anything in N America. I have see through scope mounts and shoot with the iron sights quite a bit, but the scope is off course much better in low light and beyond 50yds or so.

The over/under rifle shotgun combo's are hard to beat for a meat maker on any outing for sure though. I wish I had one, but as mentioned the prices for them these days are high and they are not all gems. Heavy coin toss to get sign unseen.


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I dont hunt large game any more as it is too much work for me after I shoot them. When I did indulge though, I used a 6.5 Mauser...very similar to a .270. I still have one but it is mostly gathering dust now. I do like lever actions of any description and for years travelled about Alberta with my Model 95 carbine.

I currently have a nice Ruger 1022 that I take for grouse or bunnies when I go for walks. I was reallllllllllly wanting one of those double badger 22mag over 410 but could not bring myself to do it. Maybe if I sell the Mauser. What I did do was sell my 12 ga double and get myself a new Maverick youth 20 ga. I like that one so far.

As for where to buy used....I get a lot of stuff from https://www.tradeexcanada.com/produits/62?page=1 . No problems with the site and the entertainment value of surfing there is pretty good. I also look on http://psmilitaria.50megs.com/ a lot but have not bought anything there yet. The new Maverick came from these guys http://frontierfirearms.ca/ who also have lots of cool stuff other than guns.
I had a couple of savage model 24's, and I am done with them. People want huge amounts of money for them now, and 90 percent of them have problems with barrel alignment. What I mean is that the two barrels don't shoot at the same spot. My last one, at 20 yards the .22 shot six inches to the right of the .410. A nice one will fetch 700 dollars now, which is crazy.

An elderly friend has a (pre-1950?) Stevens 22/410. I’ve used it a bunch and both barrels are true. I’d love to own one of those, but not at the current price for a used one.

That becomes an issue with buying at a gun show or via the inter-net; if I haven’t had a chance to shoot it first it is a pig in a poke.
I've wanted one of those ruger single shots for a long time, but I would have to sell a kidney to afford one!

the Ruger #1 aren't cheap, they never were. This one is my second one, I still regret selling my first one, it was in 338 win mag with muzzle brake( even if I think no one needs such a powerful gun, it would have been nice for bisons up here) That said, the #1 is probably one of the cheaper falling block single shot rifle out there, There is a gun smith in BC that makes the most beautiful Flaling block single shot rifle and probably the best one.... But they are way more than a #1 and you would need to get rid of both kidneys, your liver, one eye, an arm and a leg... Who needs all that stuff anyway!!
I like "real" rifles and shotguns, as to have wood, steel, and be blued with open sights... My 10/22 is plastic and SS and it does the job, but if I could find a good quality pump action or straight pull action 22lr I would trade my 10/22 in for it for sure!
I have never hunted out of a canoe. For a canoe gun, I usually bring a revolver, for awhile a Colt Peacekeeper .357 mag, now a Smith 686 in stainless, .44 mag. There are plenty of black bears along the big canoeing rivers in the West. A pistol goes in a dry bag where it will not get lost.

A rifle or shotgun is sometimes in a more perilous position sitting in an open canoe.

A friend and I often talked about hunting the canyons of the Snake River in Idaho. Lots of remote country with side canyons, that hold plenty of mule deer and chukkars.
I have never hunted out of a canoe. For a canoe gun, I usually bring a revolver, for awhile a Colt Peacekeeper .357 mag, now a Smith 686 in stainless, .44 mag. There are plenty of black bears along the big canoeing rivers in the West. A pistol goes in a dry bag where it will not get lost.

A rifle or shotgun is sometimes in a more perilous position sitting in an open canoe.

A friend and I often talked about hunting the canyons of the Snake River in Idaho. Lots of remote country with side canyons, that hold plenty of mule deer and chukkars.

Up here we are not allowed to cary hand guns, I know some one that bought a 40 SW for bear protection, I kind of laughed at him... I think anything less than a 44 mag is useless... And really even that if you don't shoot regularly and at moving target you gonna get killed faster than you will using bear spray!! Anyway, For me it is Bear spray and now I will be carrying a shortened 12 gauge shot gun, After the death of my friend and her daughter, I'm a bit more worried in the bush...
I really like that rifle, I would love to find an other one, maybe in 35 Welhen or something similar, bigger heavier bullet for close range open sights bushy situation!
As for Classy, you should look a the Dakota #10 https://www.dakotaarms.com/firearms/model-10-mannlicher.html and or the Hagns http://www.hagnriflesandactions.com
not quite as affordable as a Ruger #1, but man so much nicer and lighter, maybe one day!!

You should snag the Hagn in 9.3x62! And it's one of the cheapest at only $5000! 9.3x62 would be a nice consolation for the 35 Whelen.
I worked in SE Alaska around salmon streams. I carried a pistol only once. Once I got to meet the coastal brown bears, up close and persona, I carried a rifle.
Never fired a warning shot in 2 years, but had the safety off a couple of times. Learn the ways of bears to stay safe.