Mihun, I'm not sure about the spruce, I'll ask Monday night, our next shop time.
Hey Rippy, I still have 3 project boats in the queue, how's about I send you one?
Well, I missed yesterdays shop day, shoveled snow off my house and canoe shop roofs Sunday and it just knocked me out. So Bob stapled the canvas onto the canoe by himself. Schuyler had stretched the canvas Saturday night and dropped the canoe in Sunday morning, filled it with rocks and by Monday morning, the canvas was wrinkle free and stretched tight around the canoe.
(this is not Bob's canoe but this is what the canvas stretching looks like at the shop)
Gluvit dries hard. It requires 4 coats, it used to be 1st coat takes 1 day, 2nd coat 2 days, 3rd coat 3 days, 4th coat 4 days but you could still work on the canoe during the 4 day waiting period, gunnels, thwarts, seats, final coat of Varnish. Schuyler thinks they have changed the formula a little cause the drying time has increased, although we are going back today to apply the second coat with a 24 hr wait.Really nice stuff. So the epoxy filler...I've never heard of it....does it dry with some flexibility, or does it make the canvas hard? Enquiring minds need to know!