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Canoe Lake, Big Trout Lake Loop

Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Colrain MA
Clockwise or Counter?

I am thinking of Counter Clockwise and disappearing up Potter's to escape the crowds as soon as possible and come back against the grain.

How does that work with paddling upstream? The only thing I see is between BigTrout and Otterslide.
I don't remember any current thru the Otterslides. Did come across a dam when we missed the take-out for the portage, which would account for the pool and drop nature. We saw as many trippers coming as we did going, so direction didn't seem an issue.
Never paddled the Potter. Are you planning on a "back door" route missing McIntosh L, Ink L. and T. Thomson L?
What? Got something against the P2320m between Ink and Thomson!? It's a goodly stair climb up from Ink to the port.
Portages don't bother me, I just plan around them. On our last trip this year, we did a 3500m and as a bonus, we got to do it in the rain.

I was thinking of the last week in June going out through Potter, Brule, McIntosh L, Grassy...
Excellent planning, a long rainy portage. (Just kidding) It sounds nice. My wife hated the paddle up Grassy to McIntosh. I thought it was charming. Mind you, we felt a tiny bit rushed, trying to beat out the campsite competition that afternoon. As it was, we were fine and had our pick, tho' it did appear to be a popular lake at the end of the day. McIntosh was beautiful. Blueberry season was our bonus. (I didn't plan that)
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I'm planning an adjoining route for my first solo Algonquin trip this July, would be interested to hear from others that have done something similar - particularly interested in that section of the Petawawa River (and how much water it's likely to have in late July):

Camping LakeRoute
Put In:Entry 11
Night 1Happy Isle LakeOpeongo - P2180 - Happy Isle
Night 2Big Trout LakeHI - P340 - Merchent - P1840 - Big Trout
Night 3Burntroot LakeBT - P300 - Longer - P40 - P75 - Burntroot
Night 4Catfish LakeBR - P155 - Perley - Petawawa - P420 - P90 - P320 - P365 - Catfish
Night 5Catfish LakeN/A
Night 6Hogan LakeCtfL - Sunfish - P1105 - Newt - P750 - Manta - P1945 - Hogan
Night 7Big Crow LakeHogan - P3750 - Big Crow
Take Out:Entry 11BC - Little Crow - Proulx - P1390 - Opeongo
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