Not sure this qualifies as art but the dark winter bark background has been scraped away to show Mishepizzou, the benevolent or malevolent Ojibway spirit god of Lake Superior that is depicted at Agawa Rock on Lake Superior. It's been kind and meaningful to me, so at the time on the canoe it went. I suggested that the Hodag mascot in Rhinelander, Wis. was derived from Mishepizzou but locals took great umbrage at this and so my opinion was fiercely rejected, but search and compare for yourself. The other difficult to see arc designs are the moons representing the months it took to build the canoe, (Strawberry, Flower, Harvest, etc.) The pictographs on the rock wall behind the canoe are at Fairy Point, Missinaibi Lake. The canoe and pictographs are both illustrated by Tappan Adney, so have something in common. The canoe is based on Adney's Tete de Boule 2 fathom Hunter canoe. Not sure this pic will work but here goes... (wife gets photo credit)