Why Lifesavers Are The Key To Your Next Portage
What gets each canoeist to the other side of a portage varies, but finding ways to motivate yourself is the common refrain (and also, Aqua).

I'm T2 and carry a tin cigarette box full of Werthers on me whenever I'm away from my gear.Having tripped with a type 1 diabetic, while this is a cool story... meh, it's not that simple.
Now I take both beef jerky (high salt/protein) and corner store candy (nothing but sugar), and keep it available. Energy bars are tops.
Never liked Callan's stories much. He can portage like a mofo, but he likes short trips - or at least trips in more busy environs than I do. I like it more remote. I do own at least three of his books though. He's a great storyteller even if his stories leave me wanting.
I met him once at a show. Great guy.
* Honestly, I can't be the only soul who talks "to myself".