That's a nice box Chip
Has anyone made a wanigan to match the inside dimensions of their canoe? Such as this one though it seems crude. I had a canoe builder friend who used his wood canvas craft to form a sort of mold to bend the ribs on the inside of the canoe then tack on planking.. I think he made plywood stations. the result was a ribbed canoe portion about a foot and a quarter long that would nest in the canoe.
This is Shaw and Tenneys version
I thought about it a lot, but to me it defeat the purpose of a container that is easy to organize(round boots corners would be a pain to have stuff stay when you put them), that is light (cause I think that it would end up heavier than the one I made).... They look good.... But I don't think they are as practical as a "traditional" one!
They looks good Joker, and I like the pack basket.
That Shaw and Tenney one is real nice but I would prefer something more traditional looking.
One concern I have about wannigans is the square corners on the bottom. Earlier this fall I dropped a strip boat and it landed on the corner of a planter box causing a 10 inch L shaped hole in the hull. I don't know if I would want to have to take the care needed placing the box in the canoe on a trip with many portages with possible sketchy landings if I was using a canoe with a fragile light weight hull.
I would still like to have one though, and if I make one I will try to round off the bottom corners.
Wouldn't interior partitions make stuff stay? Like shaped trays or upright panels of wood... I'd put my hubby on this but we don't have a mold of any of our canoes. Plus it would take about two years.. slow and methodical.