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BIG Dog Solo

I just started paddling a packboat after a lifetime of paddling tandem canoes - mostly with dogs. I have a Swift Cruiser 16.8 packboat and a 75lb Golden Retriever. I have a sliding seat to try and trim the boat. Do any of you have pack boats and where to you seat your pups - bow or stern? I am assuming that for day trips, a ballast bag will always be necessary. Any tips for a new packboat paddler?
My dog Jake and I trip in one of three boats … Chestnut Ranger, Nova Craft Pal, Northstar Polaris …all set up to as solos.

As Jake ages, he gets uncomfortable laying in one position, so he moves about to reposition. I have found when in my Swift Shearwater his moving about has given us some sketchy moments. However, I am in the process of “rearranging” that boat to be a large solo for trips and exploring the Wisconsin River as it is easier to paddle up river than my other boats.

I want to move the front thwart forward, remove the canoe seat and add a swift pack seat moving it lower and aft a bit. I am hopeful that sitting lower and giving my dog a bit more “wiggle” room, I will have made his position switches much less sketchy. Jake is 67 pounds. The Shearwater is no longer being made but used ones do pop up from time to time.
Any tips for a new packboat paddler?

Stephen, welcome to site membership! Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Also, please add your location to your profile, which will cause it to show under your avatar, as this is a geographic sport. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.

The fact that you're sitting on a centralized packboat-style seat rather than sitting or kneeling on a centralized conventional doesn't really change the trim issues. Yes, if your sliding seat can't trim sufficiently, you'll have to paddle out of trim or put some ballast in the non-canine end of the canoe. I haven't paddled often with a dog, but when I did, I wanted the rambunctious thing in front of me so I could see what the heck it was doing. YMMV.