Robin, did that barn go up green, or did you season your lumber for a year on site? Great fun and idea selecting, cutting, milling it yourself.
I love barns. Yes, it is a crying shame to see them fall down. I've played in a few as a kid, worked in a couple as an older kid. When I was a young teen I thought my prayers had been answered (always wanted to live on a farm) when Dad, myself and my brothers started building a barn. Strangely, it came in kit form. By the time the walls were up it looked... small. Too small I thought. That was when I made the mistake of calling it a shed. I was banished from the job till I'd learned my manners. "It's a barn, Brad, now go inside and help Mom." Mom and Dad are long gone, but always with us; my brothers and I are moved away and living other lives. I still drive by that place and can just make out the yard from the highway if I slow down and squint. You know what? From this distance, and looking through the trees and across the farmland...nope. It still looks like a shed to me. But it's a nice one Dad.