• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

ADK Paddlefest @ Mountainman Outdoor in Old Forge

I will be over at Lewey Lake Campground next to Indian lake for the ADK forum get together. You are welcome to join us if you have some free time Jon. Our plan right now is paddling the Jessup River on Saturday, never been. I plan on staying Friday through Sunday night and may be able to make it over to Paddlefest on Sunday. I have site 82 reserved 5/18-21. It looks like about 60 miles from Old Forge to Lewey.
What are you buying? ;)
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Even though it is a short drive from my hone, I stopped going to PF when John imposed a new $5 entry fee (for years previously it was free), and some of my favorite canoe manufacturers and other vendors decided not to go either. I see now that they have dropped the entry fee this year, better, but I don't believe that there is much there that I would need to purchase at this point anyway. I really don't get into flashy trendy kayaks and that kind of gear, which seems to have become a majority component of the event. I do stop at the MM store once in a while for needed canoeing or camping items. At least they do offer a military discount at the store.
Stopped briefly by their paddlefest in Saratoga springs NY last weekend. Mostly all kayaks, there were some canoes there but none on the beach or in the water.
I strolled through today only because I was meeting a friend who was trying to sell his boat (anyone want an almost never used RapidFire? PM me.) I said hello to Dave Yost and Charlie Wilson, and the FoxWorx family who I know from BSA. No Placidboats nor Hornbeck there (traditionally not expected either). The vendor area is now at the MM shop grounds instead of at the waterfront park and beach. Swift was well represented with many canoes, but as has become more common in recent years, kayaks were very heavily present at the beach where you could paddle for a $20 fee. Got hooked into listening to a pitch from a salesman about a high mounted chair-like seat fishing kayak with an optional $1100 pedal powered prop. Good that MM no longer charges a basic $5 entry fee for the vendor area as they have done in recent years, driving me away from attending PF.
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nope as noted Placid is up the road. Competition is good. It sounds like free entry is the way to foster sales.
MM has not charged admission since they moved the vendors down to Thendara. Still a test paddle fee but weather was crappy so we didn't paddle. Other than spending time with my son and granddaughter (and my wife), the primary reason I go is to see the Swift and Northstar canoes and since I have two Wenonahs, I do give then a cursory glance. Spent most of my vendor visits talking to the MSR, Subaru and Foxworx people, and discovered Aurora's donuts which are among the best fry cakes I've had. Wayyyy too many kayaks and oddball boats that, IMHO, are only good for fishing. We spent more money in 'downtown' Old Forge than at Paddlefest.. Found an 8"(?) cold handle fry pan in fair shape.

It was a mini vacation, what more can I say?:D
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