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A weekend on Cobscook Bay Maine

Sep 2, 2011
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Raymond, ME
These waters are best suited to kayaks (eek) or a sea canoe. The tidal range is 24 feet. The operative word is quick. Unload and load quick. The tide drops one foot vertically in 15 minutes. Cobscook Falls has a wicked current.. some 15 knots. Its a reversing falls. These pics are on the ebb. The flood is much more powerful. Slack tide through the slot lasts 15 minutes.

Cobscook Bay is in easternmost Maine on the New Brunswick border. As there are many more people that live nearby in New Brunswick and almost none in Maine, your cell service will be picked up by Canadian towers. So leave that device OFF.

We got food from natures larder--somewhat. Clamming is not easy! We fortified the self gather menu with lobster from a coop in Lubec. And corn from Dayton ME (thats all the way on the OTHER side of the state)

Wicked hole there! This is the falls with a three or four foot drop with recurving waves and strong eddylines with whirlpools

The birds don't care..L'Oiseau which are you?

Time to BS while paddling. I love this pic because my hubby on the left looks like he is WAAY too big for his kayak And he has balance problems on the shore( menieres disease). But on the water he surfs four footers with no problem. He wont give up this boat. Its 23 years old. He says who cares? Hmmm..like some canoeists!!

What is the name for a female Inukshuk? Besides Amazon? This one was 8 feet high.

Typical Maine morning in the demi fog

Huh? Get to work!!

View from the campsite

This was a Maine Island Trail Association camping weekend. All of the MITA staff were there. Some of us paddled with Tess and Steve, wonderful informative paddlers and people from Cobscook Hikes and Paddles. They had offered to act as guides for a trip on the Bay. They partner with MITA. They were expecting to guide. 11 of us turned up with our own boats. Steve and Tess loved it.. They said that it was a vacation ..more like paddling with friends. No one needed to be coached and Steve and Tess were so pleased to be able to simply share their love and knowledge of the area.

If you're in Eastern Maine I would look them up. No matter what your experience level is overall there is a lot of local knowledge they can share. I especially liked their stories of working with school kids in the area. Kind of like Memaquay! I think we need more mentoring like that.


Their website is IMO not reflective of the experience they offer. But Tess is a native Eastporter. Understated. She has to my ears no "Maine accent". Steve does. He is from Maryland. So it goes..
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The birds don't care..L'Oiseau which are you?

Who? me?


The fat, noisy one.
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So that would make you a Whip-poor-will?

Maybe I should have Robin change my handle... I don't think I have anything to do with resembling or representing a bird :rolleyes:

I do like birds... and lots of canoes are named after birds...
Maybe I should have Robin change my handle... I don't think I have anything to do with resembling or representing a bird :rolleyes:

I do like birds... and lots of canoes are named after birds...

Sure you do. Surely you are a Raven.. Cunning, multifaceted, omnivore.. Sorry you don't fit the predatory bird role.. Hemlock canoes are predatory birds!

Anyway read this and tell us what you think



ignore the carrion and food waste. Only when necessary.
Very nice pics, those tides remind me of my times on the Bay of Fundy, up at the other end, past New Minas. A bunch of us swam out to an island a few hundred meters off shore. The tide was very strong, and one guy was not a very strong swimmer and got sucked out to sea, so to speak. A cape Islander boat, much like the one in your picture, came puttering along and threw him a line. They dragged him over to our island and told us a labrador retriever had drowned in the current there that summer. We asked him for a tow to shore, he called us "dang hippies" or something, an told us to sunbath for three hours and walk back to shore, which is exactly what we did when the tide finished going out.
I spent a long weekend at Cobscook Bay State Park some years ago and I will never forget it. Lovely place. I could sit in a campsite under a tarp and watch the tides come in and out drinking amber fluid and smoking cigars for a good long while and never get bored. Nice pictures.
Yellowcanoe, Your photos are so fantastic! Inspires me to consider getting over to your part of the country for a trip. How do you get you pics to post so big? Mine look teeny tiny when I post. Thanks for sharing your awesome trip!
I just put them on Photobucket and dont bother resizing. I bet they would be smaller if I posted pics as attachments from my computer.
How do you get you pics to post so big? Mine look teeny tiny when I post. Thanks for sharing your awesome trip!

Use the insert image function rather than attaching them. If you click the underlined "A" you'll see a little mountain with a sun icon. Click that and it should pop up a window where you can link or upload a file.