I spent 5 days at Poland Pond in the North Maine Woods this past mid October, here's a little video of my time there. It rained a lot, oh well.


Every time I see your frying pan on top of the stove, I'm suspicious that you have a camera crew with you, because there's no way one person could pile in that amount of food, lol.
. One thing about the "Canadian" style of paddling, is the dragging of the paddle against the outwhale. It doesn't make sense to me. It's noisey, and game spooking, it wears the paddle, and the outwhale.
Tumblehome may help, but even when I solo my old Aluminums, I don't rub the rails.
Ya got me there Jim, age and health has caught up, I didn't realized I dragged my paddle so much on the gunnel till I watched this video. I'll refrain from posting videos here from now on.