I had planned to take an early season trip to the daks last week and my wife had even gotten a couple days off work. As our departure date got closer my wife started complaining about having to spend her time off “crawling around in the dirt”. It got me thinking about how in the last few years that I was working how hard on me it was to squeeze in a trip while working a lot of OT like my wife does.
I decided a compromise was in order and maybe we could a couple of day trips and stay in a hotel. This was especially appealing because we have free nights we have to use or loose at Marriott properties.
Our plan original plan was to check out lake George because we have heard good things and it is a shorter drive for us. We put in at Roger’s rock campground, it was sunny, calm and beautiful.

I decided a compromise was in order and maybe we could a couple of day trips and stay in a hotel. This was especially appealing because we have free nights we have to use or loose at Marriott properties.
Our plan original plan was to check out lake George because we have heard good things and it is a shorter drive for us. We put in at Roger’s rock campground, it was sunny, calm and beautiful.