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A different kind of trip

Jun 3, 2015
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Anchorage Alaska / Pocono Mts.
I had planned to take an early season trip to the daks last week and my wife had even gotten a couple days off work. As our departure date got closer my wife started complaining about having to spend her time off “crawling around in the dirt”. It got me thinking about how in the last few years that I was working how hard on me it was to squeeze in a trip while working a lot of OT like my wife does.

I decided a compromise was in order and maybe we could a couple of day trips and stay in a hotel. This was especially appealing because we have free nights we have to use or loose at Marriott properties.

Our plan original plan was to check out lake George because we have heard good things and it is a shorter drive for us. We put in at Roger’s rock campground, it was sunny, calm and beautiful. 26BF6515-F58E-4FC4-A8D1-CCB4217AD77E.jpeg907EA318-E771-47B0-9134-861416697375.jpegAA8A31C6-697D-40F7-B8E3-6406AFDC8DC2.jpegB3B4520D-3CA2-4858-A3E1-E18C0EA1F3C1.jpeg
Lake George was really pretty with very clear water. The Roger’s rock area was a great day trip but lake George wasn’t my idea of a good canoeing lake. The campground was closed but we could have camped on one of the many lake front sites that were available. There are also remote island sites that we wanted to check out but never got to. If I were ever to come back early season again I would be opt for one of the drive up sites anyway.

The closest free room we could get was in middlebury vt. It was out of the way but we enjoyed the ride and really liked the town. The next morning we headed towards lake placid where we had our second room. We checked in early and headed out looking for our next day paddle. I wanted to check out saranac lake but had nothing specific in mind. We put in at a Second Pond, which was perfect because it was the closest access to islands campground area. We had a great paddle, checking out many campsites putting in about six miles. 0F8B2592-2FC1-4E18-84CC-566912CD0915.jpeg25EE62F2-3674-4304-B025-4D51AA01AE55.jpegDA82DEF8-C44A-4F22-9E4A-81ABE31E568D.jpeg
I think that second photo above is actually lake Champlain.

On our third day we had about a six hour drive home but I was still hoping to get in a paddle. We passed some interesting looking spots just south of saranac lake but was hoping to put on miles before stopping. We never did get in a paddle but we took a short hike and we’re surprised to find a beautiful forty foot waterfall.

I also wanted to avoid the interstate on the way home and find a more direct route from Utica to my place in NE Pa. The route took us across the west branch of the Delaware near the state border. I was surprised by the amount of fishermen and drift boats. I also discovered a new lake in Pa that I’d like to check out, Belmont lake.

It was a great trip. It couldn’t have gone better. We had fun, we learned a lot for future trips and look forward to going back.
Great trip, beautiful country. Thanks for posting. I have been trying to put a trip together for Adirondacks this spring, but nothing seems to be working out. Maybe a trip like this well work. In the past my wife and I have enjoyed many change of plans last-minute trips. I think it's because you start out with lower expectations and the little surprises you find along the way can be very rewarding.
What a great idea and trip! Thanks for sharing it. I haven't paddled Lake George since I lived in Ticonderoga back in the mid-1980s. Your trip report inspires me to do it again, like you did, before (or after) the camping season. Happy paddling!
Wow Al, that’s a big drive from place to place. I’ve skipped paddling lake George and your post has made be rethink that.
Question… does PA require all boats to be registered? I’d like to paddle some areas but don’t want that hassle if it’s true.
Also were black flies out in the Lake George area.
Also like your boat pics and the basket.
The Adirondacks are perfect for this kind of trip in the preseason, you can combine it with a road trip or just base camp on a drive-in lakefront campsite. There wasn't one occupied campsite that we saw, and from the time I got off of the Interstate at Lake George and back to my house there was almost no traffic. When we do the trip again I think we'll camp now we know what to expect, and save any future hotel stays for ski season. Camping on a drive in site might be the best option since you can go out for dinner and still enjoy a little camping.

Coldfeet, the total drive was a little over 600 miles, 400 of it after Lake George was on easy scenic backroads. The roadtrip part was half of the fun and worth it by itself. We didn't encounter any bugs, but I would think that could change pretty quick this time of year.

As far as that sticker goes, it is expired and was on there when I bought the boat. I personally don't believe in registrations for human powered craft(never got one in Ak) and am not sure but I don't think Pa. requires one. They do require a sticker to launch at state boat launches that I purchased a couple years ago. I never stuck it to a boat because I use multiple boats and now it is expired. My vehicle has Alaska tags and I have an Ak. drivers license so I don't know how that affects things. I wouldn't let the lack of a sticker prevent you from paddling in Pa. LMK if you ever want to head this way.
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Nice report Al. Your canoe looks lovely.

Years ago some VT friends and I traveled over to Lake George and paddled over from the same campground to Rogers' Rock for a day of rock climbing on the rock itself. In your picture of the cliff, there's a rope of two there on the first pitch. There is an interesting history of the cliff and the story of British Ranger, Capt. Robert Rogers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_on_Snowshoes

Beyond that I don't know much about the lake, preferring smaller, more remote, destinations for paddling. Thanks for your report!
Thanks for that info Patrick, I knew of the story, but not the details. There were a couple groups climbing that you can barely see in the photo, they also paddled in.

The best thing about the lake for me, besides the clarity of the water, is it's location. I can get there in four hours, leaving only about a two hour drive to get to the high peaks region for an early start to a trip. Schroon Lake may be an even better location for this, but I haven't been there yet.
Al, thanks for the invite over to your area. My buddy was recently looking at houses on the PA/NY border, close to Binghamton.
I did notice how clear the water was on LG, beautiful. I’m going to retire in 2 years, then the tripping begins! Was looking at small campers and teardrops to keep wife happy. oh boy. Big $$$. Glad I just bought that Alps tent. Be well.
Gee Al, I go to the tent section and there you go!
Last winter I messed up and rolled to close to my ti stove and woke up to feathers all over. Sold that small teepee and stove. Now I wish I kept the stove. I have a ST 9x11 but want something like Robin uses. Looks like a Baker or Lean your using. Ahhh, time to start dreaming again. Thx
Wow… just beautiful! Great compromise… will employ that as well .. ha! Those are some of our favorite places… looks serene… and that boat is a piece of art!
Thanks DT, that is my favorite boat. I like big boats.

Gee Al, I go to the tent section and there you go!
Last winter I messed up and rolled to close to my ti stove and woke up to feathers all over. Sold that small teepee and stove. Now I wish I kept the stove. I have a ST 9x11 but want something like Robin uses. Looks like a Baker or Lean your using. Ahhh, time to start dreaming again. Thx
The campground thing will only work for us during the off season. We don't like typical campgrounds much, that's why we wanted to check out the remote island sites.

My tent is a Campfire tent, which is a modernized Baker, having a floor and bug netting. It was made buy a guy named Ric Driediger in Canada. It was featured in Bill Masons "Song of the Paddle" If you never read that book I highly recommend it.

Too bad about your sleeping bag. I was on a trip with a friend who's bag caught on fire from the stove right after he told me that he had that sleeping bag since high school. I don't know why, but I found it very funny.
Gee Al, I go to the tent section and there you go!
Last winter I messed up and rolled to close to my ti stove and woke up to feathers all over. Sold that small teepee and stove. Now I wish I kept the stove. I have a ST 9x11 but want something like Robin uses. Looks like a Baker or Lean your using. Ahhh, time to start dreaming again. Thx
Coldfeet—- have you looked at Tentsmiths wall tents?
Thanks guys, just looking at different tents and shelters. I need to be careful because I have retirement ideas in 2 years and always thought about an RV or trailer to keep the Mrs more comfortable. I do like the CCS lean but the canvas look. Best wishes to all.
Thanks guys, just looking at different tents and shelters. I need to be careful because I have retirement ideas in 2 years and always thought about an RV or trailer to keep the Mrs more comfortable. I do like the CCS lean but the canvas look. Best wishes to all.
Tentsmiths has the lean in canvas… under Whelen lean….@370 shipped I believe