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500 Members

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
We just passed 500 members so the site is growing at a nice rate. Lots of new posters who continue to keep it friendly and sharing, Thanks to the "old timers" for hanging in there and making the site what it is.
:cool: That would be Governail Robin.. not skipper! Or Bourgeois Robin.

" The word voyageur means “traveler”, and the men and women who are voyageurs do quite a bit of traveling, but simply traveling is not what makes a voyageur. A voyageur is part explorer, part merchant, part labourer and part diplomat. Often, a voyageur is employed by a merchant or company to transport trade goods over both waterways and land, usually in wilderness areas, where the company trades with the local — often barbaric — inhabitants. Voyageurs are experts at navigating waterways with canoes, and usually are at least competent in constructing canoes.
At the start of their career, voyageurs are hired hands, usually working in teams of as few as three or as many as twenty, called brigades. These young voyageurs are usually the ones who provide the power for the canoes the brigade travels in and who carry the bulk of the load when the brigade must portage over land. As the voyageur progresses in skill, he takes on new roles, moving up to avant (bowsman) and later to gouvernail (steersman) in the canoe. Eventually, the voyageur can become the bourgeois (gentleman in charge) and become a brigade leader and possibly even a partner in the company he works for.
Role: The voyageur can serve as a scout, a diplomat or negotiator, a merchant or merchant’s assistant, or a translator. They are competent with many weapons, but not as many as fighters or rangers. Most are good with a bow or crossbow and can serve as competent archers when necessary. Voyageurs have enough wilderness skills that they can track foes as well as hunt, though the voyageur is not as good at such things as a ranger."
500 is a nice round number. I like round numbers. 500 is much easier to remember than say, 498 or 514. I feel kinda guilty though, seeing as I count for 2 in this 500. It's not something I'm proud of, screwing up the system. But I am really happy the member list is hitting big numbers, round, even or otherwise. I'm not comfortable in big crowds, but feel good amongst all these voices talking the same language of canoeing and other stuff. I'm looking forward to the next round number of 1,000 members.
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Thanks YC, that was an interesting read. May I ask where did it come from?

Governail Robin: well it's for sure he's required to wear many hats, I'm just grateful he's willing to give up so much of his time to keeping this site open to all of us.

Five hundred different paddlers from all over! When I think of canoeing it always seems to be a quiet, solitary kind of thing and then here there's five hundred of us!
When I park my truck at the hardware store or someplace, with the canoetripping stickers in the windows, one day somebody will come up to me and say "Canoetripping, I'm a member there!" and my world will get just a little bit smaller in a good way!

Congratulations Robin, you said you'd do it and indeed you did!

Glad I discovered this place a few weeks ago. Lots of great info!
My first year on the site and it has been a pleasure reading all the stories and finding the info for a few great ideas on making the trips better. Thanks so much for what this fine place has to offer! Congrats!
I have been sending a lot of folks to the site and letting them know they have to register in order to see photos. I don't know if that is true or not, but what the hell, maybe it worked.
We just passed 500 members so the site is growing at a nice rate. Lots of new posters who continue to keep it friendly and sharing, Thanks to the "old timers" for hanging in there and making the site what it is.
That's great, Robin. I really do enjoy the nature of the folks here. A very pleasant bunch, with lots of great knowledge.
I'm still waiting for that dead fish for post count...

Well seeing how Alburnett Iowa has maybe 500 residents and I have lived here for 42 years, seems like I should know you.

Oh, and good job Robin, weren't you and OM suposed to Have a both at Canoecopia at that point. Something about a bath tub. Or was that 1000 members?
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Well seeing how Alburnett Iowa has maybe 500 residents and I have lived here for 42 years, seems like I should know you.

I just noticed that when posts are made by guests (I'm not sure how a guest can post but I see posts by guests on my screen) Their location is stated as the town I live in. Just clearing up this post by me that probably didn't make sense to any one. Dave
I just noticed that when posts are made by guests (I'm not sure how a guest can post but I see posts by guests on my screen) Their location is stated as the town I live in. Just clearing up this post by me that probably didn't make sense to any one. Dave
Makes perfect sense to me.

I have Guest in my town too. And I know its not me nor anyone else here. The posts are by L'Oiseau who has left. Dave your post made sense to me.
No way, the Guest lives in Calgary. This must be true, it says so right here on the internet.

BTW, I am the only member ever online too. You all must just be figments of my crazy imagination. ;)