• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

3 w/c canoes on a rack

My vote is for a nice Munich Helles Lager in the summer. Crisp, refreshing, and tastes good cold. There are a million varieties to choose from, but for availability it's hard to beat good old Spaten. It's slightly smoother from a tap as well.
A ha, I found the TR, thanks Mihun! Epic is the right word. Wow! That's a lot of mileage. And some great meeting & greeting. But well worth the travel to meet up with members, and carry two treasures home again. I don't understand the issue, but I guess you had to strengthen the one canoe for transport? I'd be nervous, but you obviously have hauled many, many wc canoes. They look great loaded up for the ride home. You sure know how to "red eye it". I've only occasionally said "I'm not stopping. Only for gas, bathrooms and coffee." It takes it's toll, but it's nice to be finally home. I'd love to see some of the wildlife you saw. A lynx would be special, though they all are of course. Wonderful of Rob and Irene to host and entertain you all (the first annual Geraldton Chapter Canoetrippinglollapalooza?). Won't be long before he'll need more backyard canvas tents (and beer coolers). So glad you two made it home a-ok.
The issue with the Morris was about 5 feet of inwale missing on the one side. The inwales provide the longitudinal strength and it was rather floppy without that section. I screwed a piece of the keel from the other boat into place as best as possible, grievous amounts of duct tape was used on each end where the planking and stems were open and the inwales were no longer attached to ribs.

I had the Morris on the passenger side so it wouldn't take as much abuse from passing trucks, but it turned out that oncoming traffic wasn't too bad, it was being behind a semi after it passed us that created the most buffeting. The nose of the boat would bounce up and down, I was just waiting for it to snap off. After a truck passed we would slow down to get out of it's wake to lessen the wind shear.

After some investigation the Morris falls into the 1905-1910 vintage.

This is the Penobscot, the decks are unique to this particular boat, the design was patented in 1916.

Awesome. Is that wooden pegs holding the handle to the inhale? I love the deck detail, and the joinery of deck-inwale. I wonder what the little brass fitting is?
The brass fitting is a flag holder, the Morris has one as well, something not found often on those boats. Not sure if it is just the light, but the hardware on both boats is slotted brass screws and carriage type bolts. If that is a wood plug it may just be there to hide the hardware. I never took notice at the time so will need to go out to the boathouse and have a look.

That deck is about an inch thick and is curved to follow the sheer. The Morris decks also curve but they are crowned as well.
I just got home tonight, my trip went well, 10 days, Thanks Memaquay for setting me up for some beautiful sights and adventures. TR to follow.

I also want to add to Mihuns statements about Rob and Irene's hospitality. I had a great time, getting to know everyone and listening to canoe stories, a beer now and then, some more stories, jokes, bear stories, local history, then a meal that was so well done that I dreamed of it while out in the bush, prime rib on a rotisserie barbeque with bacon wrapped scallops and small baked potatoes. Perfect, Irene, Thank You.

Here's some pictures of Rob's backyard,

Rob showing us his reflector oven made by Oldie Moldy for the Outters club, very nice piece of equipment.


Mihun blowing out the candles on a very tasty B'day cake, ummmmm good!


A nice ax sheath also made by Oldie Moldy examined by Robin,

Just before the fire started. BTW, That little black dog is Memaquays prize bird and wild bear hunting dog, he never goes anywhere without him....haha
What a wonderful time you all had, a birthday celebration (it warms my heart seeing that), unloading-reloading w/c treasures (exciting), the sharing of OM's fine and generous talents (your smile says it all showing us Rob's craftsmanship), and of course affirming friendships across the miles. I'm looking forward to your TR Robin, but hope you'll unwind first and shake the dust from your shoes. One question though...you all looked so relaxed in Rob and Irene's yard, not the least bit nervous of where that bear asskicking cat might be lurking? I woulda been looking over my shoulder for that flash of white lightening. Really nice photos. Thanks for those.
Hey Memaquay, You got a dog!! Congratulations, it must be a very congenial and pleasant little creature to survive in the same house as that terrible cat!
I understand it's black but it's hard to make out much else, in that photo which end is pointing towards the camera? It sure is a convenient size for a canoe but I don't know if it ought not be just a tad bigger for bears? Of course you know your local bears better than me.

It sure looks like you guy's had a great time during the visit, those lawn chairs you made look real professional and comfortable to boot!

If this is going to shape up to be a annual thing I'll have to bear down and see about winning the lotto, I'd sure like to meet all of you!

Best Wishes, Rob
You know, those candles from the back imply 55, but I only turned 53.

That is the back of the dog, who loves tummy scratches and the cat is long gone, leaving a very safe little dog. I know Mem is out on a trip so you'll have to wait on a responce, OM>

An annual Canoetripping get together... just think what hordes of us could do to open all those portages.
Just got back from one of the more arduous trips I have done in a while. Trip report will take a while. I'm glad you had a good time Robin, I look forward to the trip report. I was following your spot locations, and you made some pretty good distances!

OM, that's Irene's dog, at least she claims it's a dog. I think it's Satan's arsehole with fur. Took it hunting once, and it wouldn't leave the vehicle. Must have watched Old Yeller or something. Spins in circles and makes monkey noises whenever someone enters or exits the house. I'd like to turn it into a doily to rest my drink on. The old white cat was a much better dog.

Anyway, have to mow that half acre of a lawn for the anniversary party tomorrow, plus finish cleaning up before Irene gets home from out west!