• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

1500→16→17→18→19→20→21→22→23→3000 Members

For what it's worth, I too would be willing to financially support this site. Not just because it seems to be a lively place to discuss, but also because the administration is very trasparent, and active. I in no way meant to imply that ads are the ONLY way to sustain a website, just that they're the most common. This community is an exception to that rule, and that's a reason I'd be willing to support it.

That said, there's a difference between the "Google AdWords" type of advertising and the "this site is sponsored by" type. I hate the former (and I worked in that business), but I take no issue with the latter. If Esquif wants to come here and extole the virtues if their latest molds and T-Formex advances, I see no issue with that. Or if someone invents a new stick stove and wants to advertise it here - same. I do, however, very much dislike ads containing scantily clad women selling "camping" bikinis. I hope this illustrates the point I was trying to make.

I've also learned how (and why) not to rock a boat you just stepped into, figuratively and literally. But I always wiggle my butt a bit to find my balance. Hopefully I'm accomplishing the latter.
The site reached 1800 members today.

During the approximately three months we grew from 1700 to 1800, I rejected 71 member registrations as spam risks. These spam risks are coming with increasing frequency on a now daily basis. Our spam software traps about 90% of them, and I manually reject the rest even if they make it through automated registration. Sorry, I just don't believe open canoeists are registering from Pakistan, India, Russia, Bulgaria, the Philippines, or Neverheardofitstan. In fact, I accept registrations from fewer than 10 countries unless they can convince me through private email exchanges that they are genuine open canoeists.

Fortunately, we only had one or two actual spam postings during that period, which members promptly reported (using the Report button). I permanently ban anyone who posts spam. There have been 11 such bans in the 15 months I've been administrator.
Glenn My Hats off to you for all your administrative duties. In the short time I've been a member here I have found this place to be super rich with good information. I'm not a big poster but I love to come on and read what everyone else is up to.

Thank You
Glenn - While I don't contribute on a regular basis, I visit the site at least once each day. It continues to be one of my favorite places to learn and read other's opinions and ideas when it comes to all phases of canoeing. Thanks so much for all your efforts on our behalf. It's greatly appreciated.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Just curious Glenn with that latest rude post recently inserted into CT advertising a pill against erection difficulties (I'm assuming they weren't talking tents), whether it had stimulated a surge of interest and activities or was merely a paddling site placebo. In any case, I'm sure you've got your finger on the pulse of canoeing interests here and will swiftly throw cold water on any turgid attempt to defile this place.
Another sincere thanks from me. Seriously.
Odyssey, I couldn't resist messing with that poster (though I doubt they ever saw it) and knew that Glenn would delete the thread ASAP. I still wonder how they thought they could effectively market their wares in a group where so many take solo trips... truly a pity; I guess market research is often overlooked by the casual spammer.
Wiping away Odyssey's spurt of double entendres and Al's off colors, I couldn't remember the spam post you guys were taking about. I did recall logging in late one day last week, finding some spam reports, and quickly nuking some guy and his thread. So, I had to go back to my top secret laptop logs. He was from India and was hawking generic liquid Cialis. I suppose I could fantasize a legitimate canoe camping topic about such a product, but it won't come from me.

I'd estimate we average about 80 people a day who log in but don't post anything. I assume they are reading. Of course, there are an unknown number of people who read without logging in. I can't detect non-logged-in lurkers. I'll post some exact statistics in the future to clearly show the biggest problem on the site for future growth or even sustainability = insufficient thread starts.
The site reached 1900 members today, adding 100 since November 22. During that period, I rejected 203 attempted registrants as potential spam risks. Tedious. It appears that the more successful we get, the bigger the target we are for spammers and spam bots.