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Until the recent Penobscot, I’ve never spent more than $100 on a canoe. That said, all but one of my others (6) have required significant repair.

Paddles- many were gifts, but a few were not cheap. All in, a grand maybe.

Camping gear- hard to say. I am always trying out something old or new that interests me. Less than 5k over 20+ years I’d say.

Fly fishing gear is something that is part of my canoeing kit typically, but I’m not going to go down that hole. At one point in my life I went off the deep end, but I was sorta looking for it.

As many have said, it’s hard to put a real price on anything spent on a passion. I can think of a multitude of ways that I have seen others spend that ten fold and only have regrets to show for it. I’m sure we would all spend it again given the opportunity.

It’s a hobby. Hard to really but a price tag on that. Good gear is expensive and learned now that quantity gear can make things much more enjoyable.

Was floored by the costs of a quality canoe at first. But now seeing how they are pretty much handmade one at a time. No automation or mass production, low volumes, lots of hands on skilled labor, transportation, markup for the dealer….think they are quite a bargain.