• Happy Debut of "I Love Lucy" (1951)! 📺👁💘⚽

10 day Quebec expedition by Justin Barbour.

Justin Barbour is the real deal.
The fact that he is are real dog man has endeared him to many of us. Life isn’t worth living without a dog in it. I’ve camped and canoed with Border Collies, a German shorthair, a Springer spaniel, sled dogs and a Gordon setter. All were great companions, something I can’t say about all the humans I have canoe tripped with.
I also enjoyed this return to recoup the canoe vid. I noticed Sako is starting to grey on the lower lip. 6 years old now. Justin reminds me more of the early explorers rather than a modern adventurer. More like it was back when I first started tripping 60 years ago. Not on the same scale, of course. I wish him many more.

With a dog or two you are never alone. I like dogs in the bush. They are the first line of defense and always on watch.
They are great company and spot wildlife. They are a good judge of people.
I have taken 3 on a canoe trip. Great fun.
Not meaning to cast aspersions but I have seen other canoe camping "mixed families" in the backcountry firsthand, and none exhibit the experienced humility and sensibility Barbour does, towards his surroundings, the changing situations, his companion and himself. His man-canine relationship is a reflection of his relationship with the backcountry. Both love and respect. Hubris is folly and has no place there.
Warning! Rant! I've endured too many instances in which la-di-da canoe couples have treated canoe trips like suburban off leash play parties.
Okay, sorry for the soapboxing.
I'm trying to save the multitude of tripper vids for the winter. This is definitely one of the good ones.
Not meaning to cast aspersions but I have seen other canoe camping "mixed families" in the backcountry firsthand, and none exhibit the experienced humility and sensibility Barbour does, towards his surroundings, the changing situations, his companion and himself. His man-canine relationship is a reflection of his relationship with the backcountry. Both love and respect. Hubris is folly and has no place there.
Warning! Rant! I've endured too many instances in which la-di-da canoe couples have treated canoe trips like suburban off leash play parties.
Okay, sorry for the soapboxing.
I'm trying to save the multitude of tripper vids for the winter. This is definitely one of the good ones.
Yeah, I'll second this opinion. I thoroughly enjoy Justin's adventures, especially because he travels with Saku! That pup has captured my heart, probably because he reminds me of my childhood best friend; a Lab named Bucky.
I really enjoyed that one, long but well worth it. Thanks for the heads up @Jim Dodd. That country was similar to my trip I did a year ago this past September in northern Quebec, the trees thinned out quite a bit and while not as far north, there was that same feeling of a wilderness that had never been logged or settled.