• Happy International Waffle Day! 🧇

Search results

  1. Microtus

    trial runs

    On a whim I did a first trial run tonight for some trail food, I already had dinner, so it was a snack. I followed this recipe https://www.freshoffthegrid.com/sweet-spicy-sriracha-trail-mix/ . When it came out of the oven it was a sticky mess, and I had concerns that it wouldn't dry up...
  2. Microtus

    easy to cook dinner options

    Thanks for the link, just ordered it.
  3. Microtus

    Best Sleeping Pad for Side Sleepers and Comfort on the Trail?

    As others have mentioned, there are a lot of quality options out there now. We are a long way from those skinny closed cell foam pads of yester-year. I've been a side sleeper all my life and flop like a fish due to sinus issues. I moved to a Warbonnet Blackbird hammock around ten years back...
  4. Microtus

    Paddles: Shaft Length? Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Grip?

    Thanks Glenn. I'm hoping to turn this into a busy year. I'm thru hiking the Pictured Rocks trail the last week of September. I recently volunteered to help with the maintenance of the North Country trail. The committee I'm on will finish building the Peek-a-Boo mt bike trail in Cedarville...
  5. Microtus

    Paddles: Shaft Length? Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Grip?

    Well, learned something else again today, my BB padel showed up. The few times I've used a canoe, the paddles have always been like a chunk of wood in comparison. I actually understand now when somebody earlier made a mention about a "thin blade". For now, I'll drag along my kayak paddle as a...
  6. Microtus

    Paddles: Shaft Length? Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Grip?

    All of the water up here is ice for another month, and I've got to start somewhere so ordered a BB 58" explorer plus. It won't be my last paddle but will give me a baseline and can always be used as a backup or loaner. Interestingly enough, the 90 degree measurement also came out to 32", at...
  7. Microtus

    Paddles: Shaft Length? Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Grip?

    Ah, I stand corrected....their chart shows a 57-58" paddle length, not shaft length. Appreciate the thought-out response, more research begins.
  8. Microtus

    Paddles: Shaft Length? Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Grip?

    Of all the goofy things, trying to find a paddle can actually be a royal pita. I've done plenty of reading online (old age retention of said reading is questionable), and feel I'd like to go with a laminate wooden paddle. Remember this is a new endeavor and I'm still gearing up. A Nova craft...
  9. Microtus

    Shirts for canoeing and canoe camping

    The black color is something I picked up on in a recent search, good to mention it here, thank you. The mesh has to be small enough to keep black flies out. They also have a tendency to crawl under stuff to find a nice place to snack, so length is important in case it needs to be tucked in...
  10. Microtus

    Shirts for canoeing and canoe camping

    I'm going to give Rynoskin a try, as I react badly to black flies and skeeter bites. I placed an order, pants, shirt, gloves, and should have them in a few days. I have a couple of "the original bug shirt" and they are fantastic at keeping biting bugs at bay but they are overly hot at times...
  11. Microtus

    easy to cook dinner options

    I can't stop thinking that you should just stop by the store "on the way" to the launch site and buy some steaks. For years my backcountry first nights meal was home made German Roladen. Vacuum sealed and frozen before leaving the house it was still icy cold at dinner time even on long summer...
  12. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    And I now own a Nova Craft 12' trapper
  13. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    Great input, thank you. My back isn't always happy with me, but my knees surprisingly have held up rather well. I'll probably sit most of the time but kneeling generally isn't an issue. Getting into and out of the kneeling position might isn't fun though. Stiff and old. I'd label...
  14. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    Used Northstar Firebird IXP in great shape for $2k Brand new Nova Trapper FG for $1,250 I'm fine with the extra cost and longer drive for the Firebird. Trapper is shorter and wider with a higher weight capacity. Again, 6'2" 216lbs with ultralight camping gear. When I go out with my Brittany...
  15. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    Not sure if I should have started a new thread or just keep building on this one. I guess staying here keeps all the info in one spot. I drove down state this morning to pick up the 12 foot Nova Trapper, short story is it didn't work out and we never made contact. It looks like they closed...
  16. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    I sent a msg to the seller for the trapper. If it's still available, I'll head down on Tuesday to pick it up. I'm one of those people that procrastinates forever and if I do that here I'll still be looking for a canoe next spring as well. Dive in.
  17. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    lololol. I'm originally from California, my wife is originally from Mackinaw City. She crossed the bridge to get here, which makes her a troll. I came through Wisconsin....suppose that actually makes me a cheesehead. :) Weve been here since July 2018 and couldn't be happier.
  18. Microtus

    Good Morning . Idle chat about your morning, your weather, your plans for the day.

    Another beautiful day, negative 4 this morning, blue skies and fresh snow from yesterday. Taking my Brittany for a hike in the woods this afternoon. Rivers and lakes are still iced over, probably another month or so.
  19. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    I went down below the bridge yesterday, I'm near my limit for 2025, :LOL: but I do appreciate the offer. It's tempting to drive over to WI for Canoecopia but 6 hours is a haul and I don't do traffic very well. I've got a bum right shoulder, long thoracic nerve damage, so overhead stuff can be...
  20. Microtus

    Which Canoe For Summer Solo?

    I really appreciate this thread and all the input from those that have posted. I've been pondering the purchase of a canoe for a few years now for tripping on Michigan U.P. rivers. I have a couple different kayaks that I used for fishing big and small lakes that work great, but I wouldn't...