• Happy International Waffle Day! 🧇

Search results

  1. Microtus

    The dreaded 'Slidies'

    Tear mender fabric glue is an adhesive that has a grippy soft rubber like texture to it, sort of like nonslip silicone. Our local ACE Hardware carries it...
  2. Microtus

    The Dark Side of CPR

    I'm 1 for 3 on CPR in the last 2 weeks. The one person that survived is doing well, my head games not so well. I'm an EMT in a small community and know a majority of the people I try to help.
  3. Microtus

    OT Saranac question

    Thats the kind of feedback I was hoping for. Looks like that canoe will get a hard pass. Thank you.
  4. Microtus

    OT Saranac question

    I'm still looking for my first canoe. There are not a lot of choices available on the used market here in the Michigan Eastern U. P. There is an Old Town Saranac 14'6" for sale up in the Soo for 5 bills. Research shows new ones run 800-1000. The main thing that catches my eye is it weighs...
  5. Microtus

    What goes in/on your PFD?

    knife, whistle, plb, mirror
  6. Microtus

    Group Meals in Camp: Yes, No, Bleh?

    I've done group meals on 4wd Jeep runs back in California. Each person was responsible for an evening meal, or on shorter trips people would team up. It usually worked out rather well, as we tend to get comfortable making the same thing on trips over and over. With somebody else being more...
  7. Microtus

    Canoeing, Tripping, Camping with Heart Problems

    12 days behind but I'm a new guy.... I had the nuke stress test last month after chest, jaw, neck and arm pain. I walk daily, fairly active, and used to ride a mt bike roughly 250 miles a week. Doc said the heart flow is good but I have intermittent PCV/ATC at high heart rates. Basically...
  8. Microtus

    Fly Fishing From A Canoe

    The difference in my casting distance between standing and seated isn't enough to worry about. I tend to cast to either structure or rises, if I am too far to make the cast it's a simple thing to move. Top water poppers and small streamers have worked well on bass for me. Both dredging bottom...
  9. Microtus

    my intro

    I use Frontline for my dog and limit her activity outside of the fenced yard certain times of the year. I spray the outside perimeter with whatever tick death spray I can find at the local hardware store. We find a few each year that the dogs bring into the house. I've only had one tick dug...
  10. Microtus

    my intro

    I don't own a canoe yet, or the knowledge to choose one, hence why I'm here. I'm thinking a solo tripping canoe for smaller streams and rivers...1-2 night floats. 98 TJ, lift, 37s, pro rock 60s, atlas, coilovers etc $$$$$$ That Brittany is my 2 year old sweetheart Ellie. Total family dog...
  11. Microtus

    Explain Your Screen Name

    I went to Humboldt State University and graduated with a wildlife management degree in 1989. My graduation study was tied into a nesting density study of Black Shouldered kites in relation to prey base. My portion of the study was focused on the prey base population, Microtus californicus.
  12. Microtus

    What to use for an inside ground sheet (and how to use it)?

    Used billboard vinyl? It's waterproof and very tough, the downside is it tends to be a little heavy. https://www.billboardvinyls.com/collections/all-reused-tarps/products/6-x-9-reused-vinyl-tarp-white
  13. Microtus

    my intro

    60 yo guy from the Eastern Michigan U.P. I moved here from California to retire, grow old and die. My wife is originally from Cheboygan, Michigan and I lived near Cheboygan for a short time back in the late 80's. We needed to escape California and ended up settling in a small town in the U.P...
  14. Microtus

    Why Are You Here?

    New member with first post here. Researching river fishing opportunities where I live in the Eastern Michigan U.P. led me to a couple of youtube canoe camping videos, which sparked a flame. I've been a sit on top kayak guy for about 10 years, but it is not a platform for overnight trips and...