Welcome Dan. I'm ashamed to admit that the Gunpowder is about an hour north for me and I have never paddled it. Have to get up there this year.
We have discussed being prepared for bears, raccoons, bugs, storms, etc, but we apparently need to be aware of a new wilderness danger. I am at a loss!
We need to think hard about this one.
I bought my Bob's folding bucksaw when it was reviewed here. I think YCs comments on it made me do it. (Great saw by the way!)
Blue barrel.Many books. (The interweb may me do it!)
Welcome Thistlecap from the Chesapeake! I have a similar background to you and find I love getting on the water in canoes. Simple nav, no anchor watches, no crew problems if solo, etc!
Glad to have you, Charlie. I am a little south of you, just off the Severn River. Things are a little iced up here but at least it isn't -20 degrees!
Ok. Time for me to add my 2 cents. I spent 25 years in the US Coast Guard and most was spent on the water so I have a bit of first hand experience with this topic. Cold water kills! A buddy of mine who is a rescue swimmer (he jumps out of helicopters for a living) participated in a study called...
Often when you make a business out of something you enjoy as a hobby it can suck the fun right out of it after a while. It's obvious that didn't happen with Schuyler. Great to see!
I know a guide up in the BWCA. This guide uses Ziploc bags for the garbage (rules of the wilderness area say that not even garbage is burned in the fire rings). The bags go right into the food pack which is then hung. This guide does not subscribe to the "hide it away from camp" practice.