• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. latremorej

    Only got two hands shop tricks?

    My go to for hanging seats is a little dab of hot glue. As for getting the nut started, the magnetic tipped nut driver works well... the ones that fit into the driver extension... I use them without a handle to start so I can feel if I've cross threaded or not. other shop hands usually involve...
  2. latremorej

    The Old Town takes a hit!

    Lol, yes, I was just trying to make light of an awful situation.. we used to have the block heaters in all our cars too. Growing up in northern NY, -30plus Frankenstein , those old carbuerated cars wouldn't start without it. Haven't seen the need over the past 15 or 20 years though. Warmer...
  3. latremorej

    The Old Town takes a hit!

    Dang! That stinks. question though Mem... what respectable Canadian would store a perfectly good extension cord outside in a snowbank all winter? Jason
  4. latremorej

    South Nahanni River, Northwest Territories

    Great read! Can't wait for more Jason
  5. latremorej

    Easy pass while hauling a canoe?

    Never had a problem here... and I drive a Mazda 3. The whole windshield is covered, and hood, and bumper.... even hauling a 17' grumman. They always get yer cash. Jason
  6. latremorej

    Not the photo of the day

    Ha! There have been a number of times! Jason
  7. latremorej

    Lessons Learned

    yeah, there's all kinds of kinds... even in law enforcement. Add youth to that equation, and there you have it. We were all a little headstrong in our twenties. a grand chunk of an officers salary is squandered in taxes, same as anyone else. I've seen alot of good, and alot of not as good when...
  8. latremorej

    Fiberglass canoe new vinyl gunnels

    I taking a stab in the dark here but I always assumed that cost and weight were the reasons you see aluminum rivets on those gunnels. SS bolts, locks, and cap nuts would get pretty expensive no? Every 3" for roughly 17' of gunnell..(16' canoe right?). about 140 bolts? How many bolts are in a...
  9. latremorej

    How Not to Canoe

    Hahahahah! I've been there before too! Lows Lake ADK, in the first week of May, days after ice out. Jason
  10. latremorej


  11. latremorej

    8 turned into 4...

    Nice! Congrats on the hunt! Eagerly awaiting your report jason
  12. latremorej

    A few pics

    Very nice! jason
  13. latremorej

    Royalex Refurb

    G-Flex here too! Dont forget to touch the repair area with the torch first. (Dont make it hot, just run the blue flame over once) I guess it changes the chemical composition on the surface of the roalex and helps with adhesion. I've never tested without this step. I've never had a gflex...
  14. latremorej

    Replaced My SealLine 115L with a Mountain Hardwear 75L Waterproof Duffel

    Very nice! A few years ago, I purchased the NRS expedition dry duffel.(70l) Works great, I like the larger opening of the duffel vs a traditional dry bag. It sure does make packing alot faster and easier. They are heavy though. I carry mine strapped into the NRS paragon pack. Which also...
  15. latremorej

    Coffee in A Canoe

    I'm gonna say that "peak 1" was not a stove model but a line of gear. They put that on everything ...packs, stoves, lanterns, cook sets, etc. I personally have owned or still own 2 different stoves and a mini lantern that are "peak 1" Jason Eta: I think I still have an old frame pack that says...
  16. latremorej

    Coffee in A Canoe

    I have the same peak 1 with the burner attached to the top of the tank. (Says Peak 1 in red letters on the stove) I purchased it mid 90's and made lots of coffee and shave water from the back of a HMMWV with it while out in the field Jason
  17. latremorej

    Coffee in A Canoe

    Same here! I mount those same burners to my wannigan and presto! Two burner kitchen setup. Doug, i have never actually cooked anything in the canoe, my usual luck for canoe trips either means lots of rain, or high winds! Jason
  18. latremorej

    Helpful equipment for the solo tripper

    Your list is almost spot on... my guess is that you either have not used the LMF spork (I call it a combo spoon, a spork to me is a spoon with the tip notched out to kinda act like a fork) for very long, or are a VERY delicate eater. I purchased 6 for the family (wife, 2 daughters and me) and...
  19. latremorej

    Reflector Oven

    Yes, nice job! and +1 on the premade stuff. Maybe even a backyard campfire and "just add water" blueberry muffin mix to get a feel for how the baking part goes. As Canot says, it takes a little getting used to. ie: how big to make the flames, how close to the fire, is it baking evenly or...
  20. latremorej

    Great Slave Lake

    Thanks for hanging in there and figuring out how to post the photos! I Very much enjoyed reading about your trip ! Jason