• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. latremorej

    RIP Anthony Bourdain

    Dang, 61.. foodies across the nation mourn Jason
  2. latremorej

    Futile Camp Chair Question

    Agreed! Jason
  3. latremorej

    Stupidest Canoe Accessory Ever?

    Ha! I like how they keep saying that they promote proper storage.... I guess I will have to break up the concrete in my garage so I can push it into the ground! Either that, or store my boats outside in the sun! Jason
  4. latremorej

    Most recent tripping kit subtraction?

    Hahahahaha, I understand completely ! My oldest just finished her 1st year of college and wants to bring her boyfriend along. I still have time on daughter #2, she's only 9. Jason
  5. latremorej

    A morning on the Holston River

    Yup, I just had two guys bail on my Adirondak trip in 8 days... glad I haven't made and dehydrated all the food yet! Jason
  6. latremorej

    Living better electronically

    Most of the FOBs I have seen have a metal key hidden inside which is released by a small slide button on the FOB. As for me, I take it with me in a waterproof box. I don't keep it with the food though! I would hate to have a critter run off with my car keys in the middle of the night! Mine...
  7. latremorej

    A morning on the Holston River

    Nice pics! I love the out of the way small water stuff! Jason
  8. latremorej

    Tales of favorite canoeing or travelling vehicles

    My family rarely traveled and when we did it wasn't too far. I did manage a couple short road trips as a teenager in a beat to hell 1981 forrest green LeBaron which had those rusted out "see through" upstate NY salted front corner panels... and a trailer hitch. That slant 6 pulled my father's...
  9. latremorej

    Nokomis Wood Workers First Canoe Build

    Man! That is looking nice Jim! I often find myself staring at a pile of cut, beaded and coved strips stored in my garage wondering where I can store all of the stuff too clear out enough space for a strong back! For now, your pics are gonna have to do! Thanks, Jason
  10. latremorej

    Tales of favorite canoeing or travelling vehicles

    Wow, Ford Falcon... Sorry Doug, (I wasn't born till the late 70s) I had to Google that one!. Wagon or sedan? Jason
  11. latremorej

    French River Canoe Loop

    Great video! Thanks for wetting the whistle so to speak! Jason
  12. latremorej

    Gunwale Work

    I like it! What would be the best way to sharpen that concave blade? Round over a piece of oak ang glue some 400 grit wet/dry paper to it? Jason
  13. latremorej

    Algonquin Park - Clover Loop, Part Two

    That sounded like a pretty rough trip! Jason
  14. latremorej

    Canoe selection

    I've used 36 inch wide coolers on several occasions, turn it sideways like Mike says! Also stated, it really isn't a big deal to move a thwart. I have a couple used canoes in my quiver as my budget also is pretty slim. Patience is key for finding a good deal on a used canoe. Keep renting...
  15. latremorej

    Algonquin Park - Clover Lake Loop

    Thanks for putting up your trip, i have enjoyed reading it as well Jason
  16. latremorej

    CCS tarp :)

    You will like it! As for not having trees in the right spot, I usually bring one of these for my tarp. I also have an 8' nesting pole that will work as a center pole too. Haven't had to use it yet as I just throw about a 100' of paracord up and over a tree branch and tie it to the center loops...
  17. latremorej

    Futile Camp Chair Question

    My brother and I split the cost on this one, plus the leg extensions, for our dad. Has been using it for about 7 or 8 years now. Well worth the price and weight http://www.kermitchair.com Jason
  18. latremorej

    Minicel Yoga Block Beverage Holder, Mark II

    Haha! A good read and laugh to go with it! Nice work, how much does that beast tip the scales at? Jason
  19. latremorej

    Solo Daytripper SOF build

    Cool, I'll be following along! Jason
  20. latremorej

    The Joys of Drying Out

    Man, I know that all to well. Every summer, my father had two weeks off in July. We picked one of the two weeks for a family camping trip. I swear, the week we didn't go camping, high sky's and sunny weather. The week we camped... rain and more rain. The good side is that I learned how to...