I made a foot-brace that has worked well for me. I posted at Canadian Canoe Routes: https://www.myccr.com/phpbbforum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=17564&p=410068#p410068. It consists of a piece of aluminum tubing, two nylon straps and 2 foam canoe carrier pieces.
Welcome. I'm "next door" in Alberta and I love to paddle in the shield country up by La Ronge and Missinipe and neighbourhood. Maybe we'll meet on the water sometime.
Thanks for posting. A really interesting route and, because of your work, probably not too difficult. I bet that at the end of some of those long days you were happy that you had a beer to drink. Cheers
Great read and pics. The Suwannee River is one of those "maybe, someday, if the stars align" rivers so it's nice to see pictures of what it looks like. I don't think I could camp in the bivy sack - a little too tight for me. Hope your ankle continues to improve. Looking forward to the next part.
IMHO, you and Kathleen did most of the "bending" on this trip and because you were willing to bend, the trip generally worked. Having to bend so much seems like it lowered the quality of the trip for you but it did make the trip do-able. I've found that constant bending can cause wear and...
If you've been self-isolating and social distancing for 14 days then the odds of you having the virus are very low. From the information that I have, if you were to go on a trip after a self-isolation of 14 or more days it seems that you should not have the virus and you should be good...
You don't have to drive through Yukon to get to the Northwest Territories. You do have to drive through Alberta to get there. You don't have to worry about the Yukon directives but you do have to worry about the NWT directives.
Thanks for the updates on social distancing and closures in different areas. I'm in Alberta where we have not too many people and lots of public land. Our National Parks are closed. Our Provincial Parks are closed and you are not allowed to park within a kilometer (0.6 miles) of the gate of...
Thank you so much for this trip report. I really admire your perseverance in the face of wind and bugs and the ability of the two of you to face all of the challenges so well.
Hi, Michael,
We started at Jim Lake. Our trip was only 16 days. We pulled out at Ursus Islands. We had almost no mosquitoes but we had amazing numbers of blackflies - our trip was in August. We had some GPS people with us so they flagged a route across the inside of the bend of the...
Paddling Pitt,
Thanks so much for your trip report. I'm really enjoying it. Brings back memories of our Thelon River Trip in 2006.
It looks like you landed on the RR side of the Thelon Canyon. Did you portage on that side? It sounds like it was really long. We portaged on RL after stopping...
When getting our kids set up in an apartment when they were going to university, my wife and I loaded a queen size hide-a-bed couch (with mattress) at the Goodwill Store onto the canoe rack on our Dodge Caravan, drove it to the apartment building, unloaded it and carried it up the stairs to the...
Really interesting but waaay beyond my patience grade - let alone place to work, suitable trees, tools, etc. etc. I have all sorts of admiration for people who take on projects like this but how would you ever portage it?