• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Murat V

    The Home Depole.......end of an era?

    Haven't checked out my local Home Depot for wood closet rods. Will take a gander to see the Canadian supply has been phased out too. It certainly was a great way for newbies to discover the joy of poling. But with a little woodworking it's still possible to build a functional home depole from...
  2. Murat V

    Powdered peanut butter...

    I got some of the chocolate flavoured powder as well. My son really liked it, me so-so. We found it worked nicely as a sort of icing on baked goods. We experimented with steam baking some cupcakes and the powdered pb made the deserts taste extra good. For cleanup, he would dip pieces of pita...
  3. Murat V

    11 days, 2 moose, big water, great weather....

    Little late to the thread, but that was an awesome trip. So many beautiful pics and a great write-up. Enjoy your tasty, moose meat filled winter!
  4. Murat V

    3 day trip with a wall tent - Haliburton, Ontario (Pic Heavy)

    Thanks all Robin: I really just copied your excellent setup! Yeah, that little cigar holder is basically 2 small flat cutoffs of cherry, each with a slit half way through. They combine to form an "X" and work perfectly to keep the cigar horizontal & burning. It's a total extra accessory, but it...
  5. Murat V

    3 day trip with a wall tent - Haliburton, Ontario (Pic Heavy)

    Got to spend 3 glorious September days on a brief solo trip last week. Apart from getting some much needed silence & solitude, my overall goal was to test out some of the homemade gear made over the off season. Also wanted to check out the tripping capabilities of the 14 foot Chestnut /...
  6. Murat V

    Gaspereau River, New Brunswick

    Appreciate your writeup and pics. Great that you got your "elders" and brother to come along. Looks like that stretch of the river is a fisherman's dream for tasty brook trout.
  7. Murat V

    3 Day Midweek trip: Frost Centre - Haliburton Ontario

    Had another short trip with my older boy back to Gun Lake in the Frost Centre. Unfortunately left the camera's memory card in the computer at home when last downloading photos. The old point and shoot could only hold about a half-dozen shots in its internal memory so just have a few photos to...
  8. Murat V

    Repurposed PFD into portage pads

    Ended up repurposing some discarded stuff to make a set of portage pads. I used the following online tutorial as a reference point but tweaked the dimensions a bit... http://myweb.arvig.net/knudsen/bwca/portagepads/ Last fall during an end-of-season shoreline cleanup on the cottage, I came...
  9. Murat V

    Tom Thomson 16' Cedar Canvas Canoe Raffle - Huntsville, Canada

    Sorry Pook! Guess you'll just have to buy more tickets ;)
  10. Murat V

    Tom Thomson 16' Cedar Canvas Canoe Raffle - Huntsville, Canada

    Thought I'd pass along some info of an upcoming raffle for anyone hoping to own a cedar canvas. Langford Canoe has donated a unique 16' boat to raffle off with the benefits going to the Huntsville Hospital Foundation. Tickets are $25 CND and the draw takes place on September 1st. I was told...
  11. Murat V

    1910 Old Town Lightweight

    Wow. Looking forward to seeing this one being resurrected as well.
  12. Murat V

    I got to do this today...

    Always amazing to see another birchbark canoe being born. Very cool stuff! Didn't know that birch would steam that well into ribs. Nice to know! Out in Northern Quebec & Labrador, the Cree & Innu would still use spruce for ribs. It would be split differently than cedar but still bend well.
  13. Murat V

    Barn find-might be good, might be so so

    Great looking boats Robin. Good luck with the potential sale at the WCHA assembly. Wish I could've made it to see your hot tent display too.
  14. Murat V

    Soggy + Buggy Family Trip over the May Long Weekend

    Thanks! I've already ordered the same bug net shelter for our next trip. The mosquitoes are something fierce this year...
  15. Murat V

    Canada 150

    For me, spending July 1st paddling your canoe is the ultimate way to celebrate Canada. A close second would be sipping tea and smoking under a tarp during a wash out. Enjoy your trip!
  16. Murat V

    BWCA Solo trip with my dog Jake

    Beautiful pics of your Prospector and gear. Love the wannigan! Glad to hear you and Jake are ok after your chilly close call. The weather in the Great Lakes region sure has been bipolar this summer. I'm planning to bring a 100% wool blanket on trips this season regardless of the bulk.
  17. Murat V

    Portage yoke neck pad

    Nice! Kind of looks like this this piece of gear from Field and Stream...
  18. Murat V

    Soggy + Buggy Family Trip over the May Long Weekend

    Thanks everyone. Feeling pretty great that the little ones enjoyed themselves without any trouble...a canoe tripping dad's wish come true. Potential for another longer trip (4-6 days) later in the summer. Martin: Appreciate the kind words about my site. No sales link because I'm really doing...
  19. Murat V

    Soggy + Buggy Family Trip over the May Long Weekend

    Got to spend the May Long Weekend on the first overnight trip of 2017. One of my son's classmates has an experienced, canoe-tripping dad and we were graciously invited to join their family trip. The location was Big East Lake, just East of Bracebridge, Ontario. At one point in the planning we...
  20. Murat V

    Creating a wanigan...........

    I too made a wanigan using some pine and plywood scraps. It was made smaller for solo use but fully stuffed it has worked for my young son and I. Here is a writeup on my basic build with more links to other online instructions (some have repeated earlier in the thread)...