• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Iskweo

    W/C canoes and freeze and thaw cycles

    We keep ours in cold storage over the winter and have seen no issues. Of course most of ours are inside. If left outside then they are at the mercy of the elements and may develop some stem/deck or gunwale rot due to that. It is a long process though and a little love can bring them back if you...
  2. Iskweo

    Restoring an old Trapper's canoe

    I woiuld go with the explanation given, that of a local mod done by trappers. The other uses may be legitimate but not on a small canoe like this one. As you can see from the fibreglass and green paint this boat was a work boat, not a cherished gem. It is almost a shame to restore it to...
  3. Iskweo

    Svea 123

    I like the long BBQ lighters too but always have a ferro rod for backup. Usually a piece of waxed Jute in copper tube also, and birch bark pieces just in case. Are you guys talking unleaded gasoline ( white gas) or do you mean Coleman fuel ( naptha) cuz naptha doesnt have any gum or varnish...
  4. Iskweo

    Cedar canvas restoration

    from what I can see it looks like stems too...still not overly difficult if you have any woodworking skills. The canvas could be patched if you wanted to instead of a replacement but the stems would seem to rule that out. That is far from the worst case I have seen. Dive in.
  5. Iskweo

    Poland Pond, North Maine Woods

    Nice trip Robin. I am totally jealous, I didnt get out for an overnight even this year unless you count truck camping. Before I knew it winter was here and living outside was too hard for old ladies. I like the cruiser....how does it compare to your Pal? I have a low end Pete Champlain here...
  6. Iskweo

    Tree vs Canoe repair advice

    I would take the gunwales off and then try to shape the hull a bit. Best bet is to use a series of battens on the inside to get the shape restored. Almost like making an internal plug to mold the glass around. That is a pretty ambitious project but what the hell. If you have time and money the...
  7. Iskweo

    18' Chestnut Cruiser Leader is now a 16' Cruiser Kruger

    Dont feel bad about the delays Robin...my Langford has been four years so far and just when I thought I had it aced...life got in the way again.
  8. Iskweo

    Camping in the Old Style by David Wescott

    That was pretty good yes. I enjoyed it as well
  9. Iskweo

    What happened to topo maps?

    I never use GPS. I can take a look at a map, coiupled with sat photos and just go walk or paddle a route with no trouble. It is a skill I developed over many years and see no reason to change.
  10. Iskweo

    Wood and canvas paddlers ...

    Canotrouge....check Winnipeg kijiji....18 foot y stern
  11. Iskweo

    Inwale scarfs.

    We have done inwale scarfs on a couple of boats and when in doubt just go to the lumber store and pick through the construction grade studs ( SPF) until finding one with a close grain. We have also in the past used Douglas Fir which you should have in abundance. It is also a little better for...
  12. Iskweo

    Photo of the day

    To keep the red canoes going...here is my Langford with the first coat on it. yepp, thats right, a Red Langford...lol.
  13. Iskweo

    Video: Withdrawal

    Beautiful...I used to stay in Hudson Bay on my was to northern MB. Up through Carrot River to Norway House. Fabulous country Thank you for making my morning a little brighter
  14. Iskweo

    Very sad - Another fatal bear attack

    Dont shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.
  15. Iskweo

    New canoe shop

    You may have to build a boathouse to store the hulls so you have more room in the shop for working.
  16. Iskweo

    Site Announcement!

    Time marches on and it is time for you Doug. Dave has taken up the challenge and will carry on until he too must ride into the sunset. And Robin, he is just enjoying life again.
  17. Iskweo

    Very sad - Another fatal bear attack

    Fires and floods cause loss of habitat and food sources. They are more competitive for what remains. Dont forget that the moose and deer populations can suffer too and that takes away a major food source. Overhunting feeds into that as well. Lots of competition they are not used to.Everything...
  18. Iskweo

    Toward The Source: An Arctic Odyssey

    I also prefer to go on a trip with others, even just one person. Karin and I did that for years until age caught up with us. Part of that is having someone else to share it with. I grew up in the forests and lakes and am very comfortable there. It is like my second home. I dont have the...
  19. Iskweo

    Your Favourite Lures

    Same as Mem....yellow jigs and twisters is all you need here for supper and an evening or day of fun fishing.
  20. Iskweo

    Pilgrims ruining parks

    I once had occasion to strike back against the abuse. There was a post on MyCCR from some American paddlers who followed a group on the Grass River in northern Manitoba. They were horrified by the fecal matter, garbage and destruction in the sites and along the portages. It included chain saw...