• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Iskweo

    Does anyone have a canoe set up with a rowing rig ?

    We see the largish frames added to the 18 ft square sterns so they can use rather long oars for the canoe races up here. Look up Cross Lake canoe races if you are curious. Awkward looking but pretty fast. I think a purpose designed rowboat is a better bet
  2. Iskweo

    Wood Canvas Canoe Identification help

    Oh nice....a chum would be a sweet find. Most of what we get here are Hurons and Tremblays.
  3. Iskweo

    (Another) help me find a new solo canoe

    A Kee 15 is a pretty nice boat. It may sound counter intuitive but shorter boats do not necessarily mean better solos. Especially if you want to go narrow then length helps quite a lot with both speed and stability. Think kayaks. Just a thought.
  4. Iskweo

    My new shoes...

    I have a pair of Bastien Bros 12 x 42 traditional style with milsurp bindings. I put the bindings on after the original leather ones broke. My loaner pair are bearpaws 10 x36 and I have weaved cordura into the original rawhide mesh to give better flotation. I have noticed the new style shoes...
  5. Iskweo

    GStove opinions?

    I like the idea of the propane stove, its just hard to chop a new tank full when it runs out.
  6. Iskweo

    Solo canoe seat question

    I suspect the reason is just not thinking to move the seat forward. A lot of solo work here is done with 14 or 15 foot tandems, using the backwards technique ( symetrical hulls) . My last Huron was actually done that way including removal of the rear seat ( read front now). This was simply so I...
  7. Iskweo

    Show pictures of your tent(s) on a canoe trip

    Solo ( two person) North Face that I got a few years ago. Very roomy and pretty light.
  8. Iskweo

    Ketchup Plans?

    I am getting to be like Glenn....day trips and base camping are more my future. I have agreed to guide some girls up to Leaf Lake if they can get their schedules to synch up. I still got in some good day trips last year, including my new favourites...the plethora of marshes around here. Another...
  9. Iskweo

    Why you shouldn't paddle a kayak....

    This one sadly says it all. You will notice me in the blue kayak with a canoe paddle and in the near distance my wingman using the dirty double in the little green canoe. She never did give it back to me. I am sure this covers all the bases....lol.
  10. Iskweo

    Cold, cold, cold

    I have spent a lot of time outdoors in the cold. I like wool, but I love down vests. Or any quilted vest really. I also find ski pants to be a real bonus. When out just wandering I have some insulated bib overalls that are pretty nice. Just Carharts, nothing fancy. I have a down jacket but find...
  11. Iskweo

    Recommend a coffee maker? I'm done bearing a heavy thermos

    Taking a stove and coffee pot with you is likely no lighter than a thermos and possibly less convenient. I take a BIG thermos and have a drink whenever I want to. Let it be known that said thermos usually contains tea though. Some times I stop and set up a tarp and gather branches to make a...
  12. Iskweo

    Photos of Portage / Canoe Carry Signs

    Most of the portages where I go have no markings. It is wilderness parks or Crown land. You have to look for openings in the bush along the shore or use your map to find the right bay to look in. On rivers it is a lot easier but you have to pay attention and it helps to map recce first so you...
  13. Iskweo

    Canvas summer tent

    we used to live in canvas bell tents in the summer and as long as you have a bunch of those mosquito coils life is not bad.
  14. Iskweo

    A short video of my recent North Maine Woods trip

    Too cool Robin, that is just what I needed today
  15. Iskweo

    Restoring an old Trapper's canoe

    This boat has all of the repairs needed to experience the full gamut of restoration woes. It should be very rewarding.
  16. Iskweo

    Restoring an old Trapper's canoe

    Thaaaaats looking pretty good
  17. Iskweo

    Restoring an old Trapper's canoe

    If it was me doing this, I would use a scraper to get as much of the paint off the inside as possible. My reasoning is that it is old and brittle and will chip nicely. The other thought is that if you use chem stripper it will liquify the paint and varnish and coud stain the bare cedar...
  18. Iskweo

    Cutting Strips

    Dissenting opinion here. I prefer to use the table saw for cutting strips. I am not a wood miser, I just want them to be reasonably uniform. Having said that, we do run them through a thickness planer to get them all the same thickness and with a smooth finish. This makes the routing much...
  19. Iskweo

    Shortening canoe plans

    So apparently the 15 footer is 2.5 inches narrower than the 17 footer.....30.5 compared with 33. Not quite 10% reduction, it in fact being the 7% solution. A Jacks Special ( chum) comes in at 32 wide, which I did not find tubby at all. My Hurons were closer to the 33 mark or slightly over and...
  20. Iskweo

    Shortening canoe plans

    I am seeking some input from the builders out there. I have a set of plans for a 17 foot Morris cedar strip and am thinking of shortening them to 15-15.5 feet. The intent is for a solo canoe of lighter weight and just to have something different. ( I missed the 15 footer that was on Kijiji a...