• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Bothwell Voyageur

    Solo in September minus the elegance of my youth.

    Nicely done and congratulations on still getting out there. And solo too, a real achievement. Maybe consider lightening that pack before seeking out a lighter canoe. Take a look at the Sea to Summit Etherlight mattress, Less than 20 oz. but still 4" thick.
  2. Bothwell Voyageur

    any updates from T-Formex boat owners?

    Still happy paddling ours. It has a few scratches though we aren't paddling much more than grade 1-2 since I screwed up my shoulder.
  3. Bothwell Voyageur

    Wintertrekking.com down?

    Thanks Robin. It would have been nice to have seen a message rallying the faithful to not lose heart but at least it is back up
  4. Bothwell Voyageur

    Wintertrekking.com down?

    Anyone else having problems accessing the site? I was hoping there would be some discussion about WCS attendance but can't get on the site.
  5. Bothwell Voyageur

    The Purge (river style)

    We often find stuff left at campsites, almost certainly with the intention that folks intend coming back to the site and using it again. Worst of these are pail privies :eek:. The most recent haul was a bottle of Dawn dish detergent and dish cloths. We packed that out. Even if they do come back...
  6. Bothwell Voyageur

    The Compleat Guide to Modern Bear Deterrence

    If any of the non-lethal bear deterrents results in fewer bears (and people) dying they are a good idea. I think the electric fences are a great idea for trippers in polar bear country (seen some good videos of bird biologists working in the arctic with portable fences around their camps).
  7. Bothwell Voyageur

    Flares as bear deterrence (and other uses)

    Air horn? I see they make some dinky ones small enough to fit in a pfd pocket. I know a lot of the fisheries guys use these when doing salmon counts. A big plus is the noise comes directly from you not from some random(ish) direction.
  8. Bothwell Voyageur

    time marches on

    Sorry to hear about your ongoing health issues. If you ever want to borrow a Bastien Bros. Huron I have one sitting in the garage that's not being paddled right now. Have you considered a sailing canoe? Provided you don't get carried away with too big a sail it could be a fun way to get around...
  9. Bothwell Voyageur

    Freeze-dried Meal Coozie

    Just a thought and maybe you have already dismissed the idea, but what about making a insulated spray deck that fits to the load area of the canoe and keeps everything cool without having to insulate individual items? Reflectix is great stuff. I do use it a lot. Makes good pot cozies wher you...
  10. Bothwell Voyageur

    Freeze-dried Meal Coozie

    A reflective sheet/blanket laid over the top would give the same reflective benefits. Maybe try one of those windshield heat reflectors, you can pick them up very cheaply in Walmart. This is similar to the "cool tarps" used by tree planters but they are really pricey though probably more...
  11. Bothwell Voyageur

    What fits in a single-engine otter?

    Turbo-Otter? We had three 17ft canoes inside when we flew with BlackSheep. Will depend on how many seats they have in. We had to take decks, seats and thwarts off to nest two of the canoes.
  12. Bothwell Voyageur

    Permethrin, Picaridin & Light Colored Clothes: A Winning Combo

    Liquid form is bad for you, cats and a lot of other stuff, Dry is ok. Wouldn't like to be spraying it in an enclosed space. Going back twenty years in the UK they switched form dipping (for flies) sheep with some really nasty orgochlorine pesticides to using permethrin based sprays, much less...
  13. Bothwell Voyageur

    What happened to topo maps?

    You don't need to spend big money on a GP, use your phone. It has a GPS chip that will still work out of cell service. Download an app like Gaia GPS and switch to airplane mode to reduce battery use and it will serve as a GPS unit. Pay the $25 annual subscription and you can have topo maps and...
  14. Bothwell Voyageur

    Baker Tent For Sale

    There is a Churchill River Outfitter Baker Tent for sale on MEC Gear Swap. https://www.mec.ca/en/gearswap/post/641803 Price seems reasonable.
  15. Bothwell Voyageur

    Maskwa reboot

    Did you get a chance to use the new barrel organiser? Looks like a great route we need to try. I suspect these low water water years are playing havoc with fish migration and survival; adults can get to spawning sites and juveniles don't get spread out and then evertyhing dies when water...
  16. Bothwell Voyageur

    Canned food v dehydrated & packed water

    Having carried out more than my fair share of other folks garbage from backcountry sites over the years I'm not a fan of cans out there in the wilderness. Worth noting that most cans are plastic lined so burning releases a mix of toxic chemicals and cooking food in them is likely not a good...
  17. Bothwell Voyageur

    Spring Special

    Yes, but not at these prices... https://www.amazon.ca/42inch-Fold-able-Downwind-Kayaks-Inflatable/dp/B07BFSZMLN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=30KE33C6QO7OO&keywords=wind+sail&qid=1558016073&s=gateway&sprefix=wind+sail%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1 less than Cdn$40!
  18. Bothwell Voyageur

    Rack Spread

    Oh dear. I guess that living in Alaska could be used as an excuse for that kind of comment but, really? Ever thought of what she might say about you now? I know that I've certainly been impacted by gravity in the last thirty years!
  19. Bothwell Voyageur

    Needle Pulling Thread

    I'm not qualified to use sutures so don't carry them. Steristrips and tape are fine for anything I'm prepared to deal with, anything beyond that i would likely be looking to evacuate. A big concern with field wound closure is sealing dirt into the wound, better to make a temporary closure and...