• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Bothwell Voyageur

    Blue barrel - what sizes do you use?

    I suspect most paddlers buy a large barrel "just in case" they need the extra volume and hoping for a long trip even though they mostly paddle weekends. We haven't used ours in quite a long time. We can get 9 days of food for 2 in a 30 litre so I'm happy with that. If I filled a 60 litre I would...
  2. Bothwell Voyageur

    Quick foods for recovery when running on empty?

    Check out "backcountryfoodie.com" for lots of just add boiling water recipes. She also has recipes for lots of pre-prepared energy bites/ nut butter balls. It's a subscription site but well worth the money for the quality of the recipes and te layout of the menus I also highly recommend "Feast...
  3. Bothwell Voyageur

    How do you make a fire when it's wet?

    If the native peoples had had propane torches they probably wouldn't have taken any s*t from white folks. A lot of folk have mentioned cotton wool balls. Try the pads. Smear Vaseline on one side then fold over to make a napalm perogie! A lot cleaner to handle if you don't put too much on.
  4. Bothwell Voyageur

    Removing glued in pads... suggestions

    Try multiple hot/boiling water soaks.
  5. Bothwell Voyageur

    Should you have to pay the costs of a rescue?

    I think you underestimate how careful with their cash some Canadians are! Although it might not prevent a call for help it could delay it. Think of someone with belly pain, maybe it's appendicitis? Maybe we'll give it 24 hours to see what happens? Or a head injury, how long do you wait for an...
  6. Bothwell Voyageur

    Algonquin Park solo video (campfire tent in the rain mishap)

    I like a separate inner for bug protection or not dependent upon the season. Another option is to separate the flor from the outer by a strip of mesh. Good to hear the tent is working for you. I've seen a few of these pitched with the front flap too high so the rain can run back toward tent and...
  7. Bothwell Voyageur

    Should you have to pay the costs of a rescue?

    Although charging the frivolous could usefully deter unnecessary rescues it could also deter some necessary ones. We've seen that as ambulance fees in Winnipeg have risen low income families have delayed calling for help which to later complications.
  8. Bothwell Voyageur

    Algonquin Park solo video (campfire tent in the rain mishap)

    Don't know why they have the floor sewn in. Much better to have a separate bathtub floor to avoid the consequences of leakage. Onetigris stuff is available on Amazon. I have my reservations about the quality. Search also for luxe and Pomoly tents, they also have similar designs in the same...
  9. Bothwell Voyageur

    Canoe Tripping Nightmare

    I just heard they have a new even lighter version of Bud Light!
  10. Bothwell Voyageur

    New to me, tea

    We drink loose leaf Earl Grey at home. Can't stand "Teabag" tea! We've taken to ordering Vadham's from Amazon. Comes in big 1lb vacuum sealed bags. As well as having a great taste they seem to have worked hard on sustainability issues. On trips we drink Rooibos tea, loose leaf and use a small...
  11. Bothwell Voyageur

    Seam sealer.

    Is the HH a silicone coated fly? If yes you can use the silicone sealant intended for windshields. It is less viscous than std. silicon and works well without dilution.
  12. Bothwell Voyageur

    Multi pocket canoe packs

    I have made a custom split pack for someone on here. I believe Dan Cooke made the original. You could use a large fanny pack. Mountainsmith make some good ones. Square barrels? NRS sell a plastic dry box about the same volume as a small barrel. Using barrel organisers in the round barrels...
  13. Bothwell Voyageur

    Quetico Campsites- Star Rating

    Yes, we pretty much ignored the ratings. With two small tents we were able to make good use of sites that other might ignore. Although they say you can camp anywhere other policies do tend to contradict this. I had to take down three standing dead trees this weekend at a Crownlands site, the...
  14. Bothwell Voyageur

    Quetico Campsites- Star Rating

    On a trip to Quetico this summer, the first time we'd been, our trip partners had maps from an outfitter with campsites marked and a star rating for each one. Although at first this seemed a good thing I came to develop a love hate relationship with these ratings We often couldn't figure out...
  15. Bothwell Voyageur

    Back Flushing a Water Filter

    Good to have that info. from Sawyer. Our Sawyer mini (and a friends Platypus filter) plugged up again on day two of a more recent backpacking trip. We knew as soon as we looked at the lake and the algae floating in the water column that we would likely have trouble. It was quickly cleaned by...
  16. Bothwell Voyageur

    Back Flushing a Water Filter

    I only bought the filter unit not the whole set up so don't remember any instructions. The interesting thing was that all our filters clogged; a brand new Cnoc, a used but well maintained Sawyer and our Platypus unit. I back flushed our Sawyer mini last night, I have always backflushed this one...
  17. Bothwell Voyageur

    PIctures of celebrities in canoes

    Yeah, and he was miserable, crippled, in constant pain and addicted to painkillers by the time he died. All that hard living caught up with him in the end.
  18. Bothwell Voyageur

    Back Flushing a Water Filter

    Yes, I really should remember to bring the syringe along, I have one that came with the Sawyer system we have for backpacking. I'd like to find an adapter to fit the MSR Dromedary bag we have so that I could use that to back flush the filter.
  19. Bothwell Voyageur

    Back Flushing a Water Filter

    Our Platypus filter clogged on us for the first time yesterday. Fortunately it was the last day of the trip. We had sort of been expecting it as flow had slowed and the lake we on seemed to have quite a high sediment load. Made up a connector this morning to attach the outlet hose to the outside...