• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. Will Derness

    Long Arm of the Law

    Once a felon, always a felon. God forbid you get another one
  2. Will Derness

    Solo camping and downwind sailing decked boat price?

    I’m moved to agree with you. If a higher price doesn’t move it, you could rethink things
  3. Will Derness

    Solo camping and downwind sailing decked boat price?

    My instincts would be in then $800-900 range. You have a sellers market, your unique outfitting, the sail. If you kept the original seats you could include them in should the new owner want to restore it to a tandem.
  4. Will Derness

    The Lowly Whistle: Critical Gear

    A whistle is a good example for "if you don't have it on you, you don't have it." Many, many years ago I attached a loud whistle to my pfd as a permanent feature. It is not needed very often, but when it is, there is no effective substitute. If you recall that day after we recovered our friends...
  5. Will Derness

    Photo of the day

    Starting the New Year off in good fashion by getting out the first 3 days. Studying radar each day we were able to find breaks in the rain. We are headed up river to enter the 7 Creeks swamp.
  6. Will Derness

    3 Days on the Brazos River Texas

    This was an interesting read of a multiday down river camping trip on the Brazos. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0049P1LXW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_o02?ie=UTF8&psc=1&fpw=alm
  7. Will Derness

    Strap Yoke Variation

    I've been quite pleased with the stainless adjustable webbing slider. Slightly lighter than 2 Drings, it performs admirably. Very easy to tighten, very easy to disengage, holds firmly when carrying. My demands on this piece of hardware have been light. The canoe is 42 pounds and perhaps my...
  8. Will Derness

    RIP Photos & Memorial

    Hoback River, Montana...............Photo by Bob Kimmel Thomas George McCloud Frederick Maryland - On Saturday October 3, 2020 , Thomas G. McCloud passed away suddenly at the age of 76. Tom will be fondly remembered by family...
  9. Will Derness

    RIP Photos & Memorial

    In remembrance of Tom McCloud, photos by Bob Kimmel. With my many absences from home to paddle whitewater, domestic tranquility concerns kept me from joining Tom on his annual Easter weekend gathering of paddlers on the Upper Potomac. While I missed paddling the Smoke Hole with Tom, much...
  10. Will Derness

    Hammocks Beach North Carolina Travelogue

    ............................I’d much rather have that debris scraped off before I climb into the tent. But especially sand. Sand in the tent is insidious. Sand inevitably gets inside the sleepy bag. Sleep gritty my friend.".................... The last 15 years or so a lot of my camping has...
  11. Will Derness

    Another Fixer Upper

    The spare Norse I gave you was the light weight version of what I was using. The Norse I used that day had a larger diameter shaft and a larger blade face. You could really lay out on a brace/ draw if you needed to. With the aluminum tip you could sit/ pole in the shallows. But it is a...
  12. Will Derness

    Latest Shop Blunder

    The evolution of this thread has me feeling better about my shop mishaps. So far I haven't had any blood involved in my mistakes. That may be due to my preference to limit the use of power tools, but there are times when that is what you need use. When power tools are added to the project I...
  13. Will Derness

    Mike McCrea's Fire-in-a-Can Ripped-off on Shark Tank!

    Mike McCea has advanced beyond what is depicted in their video. What they are displaying is almost exactly how this all started. I happened to have the great good fortune to bear witness to Mr. McCrea's first field trial of the V-1 Fire-in-a-Can at a State Park barrier island that prohibited...
  14. Will Derness


    That does poetically capture the elegant simplicity, yet completeness, of a paper map. Many a spring trekking adventure would initially take place the previous winter, the map spread out on the dining room table while cold, snow, and ice would be outside the dining room window.
  15. Will Derness

    Dagger Reflection 15 seat options? And paint thoughts?

    Ed's canoe heavy duty seat is quite stout. I'm a big guy as well, 6'1", 240 so I've opted for heavy duty when I replace my seats. Been very pleased with Ed's heavy duty seat.
  16. Will Derness

    Latest Shop Blunder

    My friend was understanding of the outcome and put a positive spin to the mishap. I offered to tape off the canoe and paint the ellipse black to match the skid plates. He responded to leave it as is, the repair could be the beginning of a conversation concerning the many repairs the canoe has...
  17. Will Derness

    Latest Shop Blunder

    Hunkered down under shelter waiting for Hurricane Isaias to roll over us this evening. Over the past several years about 95% of my canoe repair work has been putting on dynel skid plates using carbon powder infused epoxy. Black skid plates are the result. This past week I was helping a friend...
  18. Will Derness

    Help removing dried pine sap from Royalex?

    For most of my repair work on Royalex boats I've cleaned up sanded areas with isopropyl alcohol and never had hull damage. Maybe give that a try
  19. Will Derness

    Show pictures of your tent(s) on a canoe trip

    Water Canyon on the Green River, Utah
  20. Will Derness

    Historical Fiction Recommendations

    Killer Angels by Shaara. Covers the Civil War battle of Gettysburg. What is fictionalized is the conversations between combatants of each side. Troop movements and actions are historically accurate. Book won the Pulitzer Prize in 1975. The narrative flows very well with the fictionalized...