I used to take some flack when I would paint a stripper, red or green. Thanks for taking the pressure off, lol. I do like it quite a lot, it certainly is unique, I can honestly say I have never seen a canoe like it.
I'm not sure what you mean... The way I broke it, I put the glass toward the floor, put one end on a block & jumped up and down until it broke. I thought it would be most likely to pull away from the wood by bending in that direction. You think it would have been more prone to separation if bent to failure with the fiberglass layer up? (actually, I guess that's how a rock would bend it)
Flip the piece, glass side up, and test. That will test the bonding strength of the epoxy.I'm not sure what you mean... The way I broke it, I put the glass toward the floor, put one end on a block & jumped up and down until it broke. I thought it would be most likely to pull away from the wood by bending in that direction. You think it would have been more prone to separation if bent to failure with the fiberglass layer up? (actually, I guess that's how a rock would bend it)
I'll almost certainly do another (Maybe green, brown, yellow & a little orange)
I've made a few surfboards that has similar color swirls as you have on your canoe. I've always had the best result using only yellow and red. Here's a picture of a board I shaped a few years ago. This has five colors on it; white, seafoam green, teal, dioxine violett and red. It's a bit different technique than what you did with the unicorn spit but I would agree that in general, bigger and fewer areas is the way to go. It is of course a matter of preference. On this board I prefer the way the underside came out with the bigger areas. I added the small but powerful contrasting red blotch on the deck. This made the other colors pop and look bigger (in this picture the deck also has surf wax smeared on it)....This one turned out to be a lot wilder than I thought it would and, in the future, I'd probably stick with fewer colors & larger spots...