Alan, I've seen, in your threads, that you do that and it makes sense but won't work here. For this boat, I'll need bare wood.
I'm sure that some are wondering about the "extra trippy" part and this might make more sense w/ a little back story:
I have been known to disappear into the woods, my son is a very accomplished forager and both of my daughters work Renaissance Fairs (PA and WV). This, along with an affinity for tie-dyed, my willingness to drive vehicles that most would sell for scrap and my lifelong tendency to prioritize happiness over wealth, leads my brother-in-law (whom we love dearly) to refer to us as "a buncha hippies" (we're pretty sure he means it in a good way). Sometimes you've just gotta roll with it.
Several years ago my daughters ran across a product called
Unicorn Spit. I have no idea what's in it; it's listed as a gel stain but the girl on the YouTube videos makes some really cool-looking projects with a definite hippie, tie-dyed vibe. When I was doing test panels at the beginning of my Raven build, there was one test panel that I didn't post pictures of. I had to be sure that the stain would not interfere with epoxy adhesion so I made a panel & broke it. All systems "go" as it tore the strips themselves apart instead of the glass tearing away.
Back to real time, I cleaned up the repaired glue joints, shimmed as needed between the hull & the top of the forms and hung the strongback on the rotisserie again, flipped it on its side, wet the hull with water, enlisted the help of the friend who owns the garage, squirted various colors of Unicorn Spit on the hull, lightly misted with water again, covered in plastic, wet that so the plastic was slippery and smeared the Spit below the plastic with our hands.
The hull was then flipped to the other side, the process was repeated and, finally, the strongback was taken off of the jackstands and the staining process was repeated one more time to blend the sides with the bottom.
I did find that it was easier to blend the colors together if the plastic was not stretched tightly before laying it on the hull and our experimentation saw no benefit of wetting the plastic. In fact, it was probably easier to "scrunch" it (to spread & blend the colors beneath it) if it were left dry.
In addition, I noticed that the areas where the colors were not blended as well were, to me, not as attractive so I grabbed two plastic shopping bags, put one on each hand, and started dabbing at the areas with extra spit and then dabbing that onto the transitions between 2 poorly blended colors. That broke up the harsh line between colors enough that I thought it looked ok.
The resulting mess was allowed to dry overnight, I cut a piece of (30 inch wide) 4 oz e-glass to cover the football and the hull was draped in 50 inch wide 4 oz e-glass which was smoothed out with a paintbrush & allowed to rest overnight.
I went over this morning, lifted the glass on the starboard bow and traced my daughter's trillium on the hull with pencil (I should have left a larger area of yellow for that); the cloth overhanging the sheer was then trimmed and the glass was wet out. As hoped, the epoxy lent a 3D effect to the Unicorn Spit and we now have an "extra trippy" color coat that can't scratch off unless I manage to penetrate the whole way through both fiberglass layers. (should also aid SAR in locating me should I take this one into the woods)

One issue that I have noticed... my digital camera has a hard time taking pictures of it. I'm not sure if it can't identify the shape when it's trying to focus or it simply doesn't want a permanent record of this to exist.