• Happy 1st English Child Born in Canada (Jonathan Guy, 1613)! 🍁👶🏼

First paddle of 2025

Still looking for the Susquehanna to open up here in my part of NYS. Glad folks have been able to get out. Our snow is finally gone but there's still a lot of ice on the ponds and local waterways. Guess it's time to go for a hike instead.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Nothing beats that First Spring Paddle !
The Ahh feeling, of the first lift of the paddle. The forward glide of that first stroke. The alertness required of balance, and the comfort of knowing your body, can still keep you upright.
My Internal Batteries are now Recharged ! I can again take on the daily routine, without complaint.

I made it out twice so far, and am going again today. The advantage of Retirement.

Will share a few pics, later.

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This is my first paddle of the spring from yesterday. I did get out once in January but I’m not counting that.

My lake mostly thawed out on Tuesday but I didn’t get inspired to get out until I read Jim Dodds post above. If I had one of my W/C boats out I would have been on the water already.
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This is my first paddle of the spring from yesterday. I did get out once in January but I’m not counting that.

My lake mostly thawed out on Tuesday but I didn’t get inspired to get out until I read Jim Dodds post above. If I had one of my W/C boats out I would have been on the water already.
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Can’t help but notice your paddling partner is just laying there like a bump on a log…
Anyone not pulling their weight like that in my boat would have to split. I’d tell them to make like a tree and… I’ll see myself out…

All jokes aside I have heard of using firewood as ballast but just one large piece, and de-barked to minimize mess, etc. looks much more convenient. May have to try that.
My wife and I have paddled 89 miles so far this year. We're hoping to get one more paddle in down here in Florida so we can top 100. I enjoy paddling the mangrove mazes, tidal creeks, and springs but I'm looking forward to heading back to the Midwest next week to resume paddling the swifter rivers which is what I prefer.
My first paddle of the year was back in February on the South River in Ontario, but it only lasted 15 minutes for a photo and video shoot, so I don’t think it counted.

I got out on Saturday, March 15, for a proper first paddle of the season. We had an unseasonably warm Winter, so the banks are ice free, already!

I got out on Saturday, March 15, for a proper first paddle of the season. We had an unseasonably warm Winter, so the banks are ice free, already!

Jeremy, thanks much for taking the time to film and post that informative video and your narration about your new Swift Dragonfly 15. For future searchers and researchers re the Dragonfly 15, I'm going to post this video also in the long thread about the Dragonfly 15 we've had going elsewhere on the site for a while.
Beautiful day to enjoy a paddle! Love the new boat!

Swifty, I want to swiftly welcome you, your Swift and the Swift River to site membership!

Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Also, because canoeing is a geographic sport, please add your location to the Account Details page in your profile, which will cause it to show under your avatar as a clickable map link. Many of the site's technical features are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.