I've used this site quite a bit to get ideas for paddles and canoe stuff so I thought I'd show what I ended up making. Where I live people are more into kayaking and SUP than canoeing, so it's difficult to get local gear and help. I bought a custom made 14' canoe from a local manufacturer who has since retired. Back then I was only interested in solo tripping so I got it built with a comfortable solo seat. Now that my nephew is old enough to go fishing I'm refitting it with traditional seats which will also be more conducive to using traditional paddles solo tripping, or so I hope at least.

I made an ottertail style paddle out of a single piece of New Guinea Rosewood and took inspiration from a blog that collected traditional paddles and paddles from auctions etc for the handle design and embellishments. As an afterthought I taped off the end and put some epoxy on the tip to help limit damage. I wasn't happy with how that turned out so I found a post somewhere along the line that showed how to do a better epoxy tip with some fibreglass to strengthen it. I haven't been able to re-find that so I hope this might help people looking to do the same. I made one complete beavertail style laminating some New Guniea Walnut and Cherry together. I also have some half finished beavertail paddles - one is Cherry, Paulsonia, Australian Red Cedar, and Huon Pine, and another is Maple and Mahogany. I'm not really sure why I need more than 2 paddles custom fit to my size but after getting more and more ideas from the likes of this site and other talented people out there it gets a little addictive. I'm sure the "perfect paddle" is just around the corner...
The pictures should tell the story.

I laminated the handle in both directions on that one so as material gets removed while shaping it's going to get interesting and hopefully aesthetically pleasing in the shoulder / throat area.
I've started on the new seats as well, made from Rosewood. I used 3/4 stock and have been second guessing that choice as to whether it will be strong enough so I haven't added webbing to it just yet. I'll bite the bullet soon and if it breaks I'll just make another one. I think the smaller rear seat should be fine at 3/4, but the front seat which doubles as the main solo seat is what I'm worried about. It still needs some cleanup but here is where I'm at...

First mortice & tenons in a while so I'm happy with how tight they came out.
I've used this site quite a bit to get ideas for paddles and canoe stuff so I thought I'd show what I ended up making. Where I live people are more into kayaking and SUP than canoeing, so it's difficult to get local gear and help. I bought a custom made 14' canoe from a local manufacturer who has since retired. Back then I was only interested in solo tripping so I got it built with a comfortable solo seat. Now that my nephew is old enough to go fishing I'm refitting it with traditional seats which will also be more conducive to using traditional paddles solo tripping, or so I hope at least.

I made an ottertail style paddle out of a single piece of New Guinea Rosewood and took inspiration from a blog that collected traditional paddles and paddles from auctions etc for the handle design and embellishments. As an afterthought I taped off the end and put some epoxy on the tip to help limit damage. I wasn't happy with how that turned out so I found a post somewhere along the line that showed how to do a better epoxy tip with some fibreglass to strengthen it. I haven't been able to re-find that so I hope this might help people looking to do the same. I made one complete beavertail style laminating some New Guniea Walnut and Cherry together. I also have some half finished beavertail paddles - one is Cherry, Paulsonia, Australian Red Cedar, and Huon Pine, and another is Maple and Mahogany. I'm not really sure why I need more than 2 paddles custom fit to my size but after getting more and more ideas from the likes of this site and other talented people out there it gets a little addictive. I'm sure the "perfect paddle" is just around the corner...
The pictures should tell the story.

I laminated the handle in both directions on that one so as material gets removed while shaping it's going to get interesting and hopefully aesthetically pleasing in the shoulder / throat area.
I've started on the new seats as well, made from Rosewood. I used 3/4 stock and have been second guessing that choice as to whether it will be strong enough so I haven't added webbing to it just yet. I'll bite the bullet soon and if it breaks I'll just make another one. I think the smaller rear seat should be fine at 3/4, but the front seat which doubles as the main solo seat is what I'm worried about. It still needs some cleanup but here is where I'm at...

First mortice & tenons in a while so I'm happy with how tight they came out.