• Happy Birthday, Chuck Berry (1926-2017)! 🎸

Friends of the Fox River raffle for a Northstar Northwind 16 ends 6/24/24

Maybe Alan or Jim Dodd could grab it, test paddle & get it to BWCA66, then jdeerfoot and Black_fly (all of whom would test paddle, of course). I could get it from him (in a couple of weeks) and, (in a couple more weeks) pass it along to MyKneesHurt who could (in due time) deliver it to someone else further to the South. It might take a bit (and it would, most likely, have a few scuffs & scratches) but we're always willing to help a fellow member.

We could even do a "where's Waldo" where each could take a picture of the canoe periodically & post it so you could track its progress (like Amazon or FedEx but much slower).
We could even do a "where's Waldo" where each could take a picture of the canoe periodically & post it so you could track its progress (like Amazon or FedEx but much slower).
Is there any chance you could get it out to Oregon for a short trial period? I wouldn't mind adding a scratch or two (just short, very superficial ones, I promise!) from our predominant basalt rock formations just to add to the character of the hull. I'll even offer to pay for one or two of the chances for the privilege. Thank you for your consideration. < G > (< -- that G thingie means it's a joke!)
Nick and Gamma, I'm in! Just let me know when it's arriving in North Carolina and how many to plan for when I load up the smoker.

Sorta, reminds me of a good friend and fellow Boy Scout leader years ago who was a physical therapist with a big practice and a very nice workout and rehab facility. He had a couple of the M&M figures that were about a foot tall on his receptionist's counter. One day the M&Ms came up missing and couldn't be found.

And then came a couple months of picture of the M&Ms all over the country with famous universally recognizable backgrounds. If I remember correctly they even got to go overseas a few times before arriving home in a box shipped from a distant location (which I can't remember) along with trinkets and stuff like restaurant menus and such to prove they had actually been in all those places.

Come to think of it, the canoe absolutely must get a sticker or two fro everyone who handles it on its journey. Make that a cool sticker. These are the oldest on my canoes and are on a 1979 Mad River Northwoods that I'm the second owner of.


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