I use this stroke on calm flat water like said above when I don't want other drills or cause more riles on the water. Where I find it most useful is in heavy gusty wind like the last two posters said. The underwater recovery is a moving keg or rudder depending on the wind.
In profile the Phoenix looks like it would be fast. Owning one, I know better :) Don't get me wrong, it is my go too solo, nimble, fun, good in wind and waves, as far as speed goes, it is not Magic.
Ha, I’m 56 and planning ahead, my left knee is starting to complain (WW injury while raft guiding two seasons ago) that was part of the reason for the Magic, made to sit, not kneel, and only 27lbs. Not in a hurry to transition to this kind of boat and beyond this one I see an ultralight ADK...
I do not mind the paddling critique, you are correct. My paddling style has become a bit confused. I am a right side Canadian style paddler primarily, a WW paddle as a secondary, with a few freestyle moves. For the last 20 years I rarely ever switched sides and if I did, I did it WW style...
I looked at gauges before I left but they all seem far enough away not to be very relevant. I did paddle from eddy to eddy on the way up. This was a my first time on this river and I seem to hit the water level ok. A little lower may have been easier for going upstream.
Took a solo trip up and down the Oswegatchie River to a few miles above the high falls. Oct 26th to 28th 2023. The popular area canoe guide says it is an 8 hour trip up river and 5 hours back down. For me it was about 5 hours up and 3 hours down.
The first day I paddled from Inlet Road to...