• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

I'm finally able to get back on line!!!

Mar 17, 2016
Reaction score
WNY south of Buffalo (closer to Turtle than he rea
What a winter:eek:! 1st my laptop died and lost a lot of data. Then bought another house (downsizing) and real estate transfers in NY are difficult to say the least. Then came remodeling, redecorating, and bringing plumbing and electric up to code. Finally moved in March 23. March 26 had open heart surgery (3 bypasses and an aortic valve replacement). Recuperation is coming along and now that I' starting to feel somewhat better... I'm bored:(:(:(
Hope you're healing up well. That's a pretty crazy set of events to work through. After back surgery things got boring real fast. Been there done that on the computer thing, years of stories and pictures gone in a flash. Take it as easy as you can and get back to where you want to be!
16938900_10208693052820662_581927725515415051_n.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	16938900_10208693052820662_581927725515415051_n.jpg Views:	1 Size:	6.5 KB ID:	91535
I'm never going to move again if that's what I have to look forward to.

Hope to see you on the water soon.
Wow! Lots of stuff on the interwebs to keep your mind occupied. If you start watching cute cat videos though, you know you've reached the end of the internet. I got a little metal pellet trap, so when my wife is at work, I shoot my pellet gun in the living room, that usually occupies about an hour. I spend a lot of time googling recipes for supper. Pretty soon you'll be able to start walking, that is a game changer on the boredom front.

Take care and be well!
Best of luck Grandpa , After getting all that out of the way nothing left but recuperation, sounds like your clearing the deck for future canoe trips!
Glad you're on the mend. That boredom will disappear as soon as you get released to start your favorite activities. I hope for you sake that time arrives real soon! Continued good healing and fun in the future.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

When I was buggered up, I liked learning bird songs from a CD. Helped pass the time & made my now outdoor time more enjoyable.
Remember, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
Welcome back.