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Hello from New Hampshire

Jul 17, 2017
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Hi everyone, I've been canoeing my whole life, right now I'm on a whitewater binge, but I love canoe tripping and I'm yearning for a wilderness trip right now. I split my time between Asheville NC(where I go to school) and NH (where my heart and soul calls home). I have plenty of experience paddling, but I'm pretty new to planning my own trips. I've done the Moose Bow trip in Maine and some multi-day trips on the Connecticut as well as countless short outings.

So, if anyone has some advice on good New England trips to do in August, I'd love to hear about them!

Thanks everyone and I'm looking forward to tapping into everyone's collective knowledge
Mr Grizz,
Welcome to the forum.
As for trip suggestions, get yourself to the Adirondacks, there are many designated wilderness areas, a canoe wilderness area, and countless gems to be found. Especially so if you're willing and able to carry your canoe for a few miles.

Currently, there are some high water levels, so some of the usual spring runoff rivers have sufficient flow and depth to be navigable.
Parts of the upper Hudson, Opalescent, Boreas and Cedar rivers are just waiting for your canoe and paddle! Even some of the Rock River is currently navigable.
Welcome to the forum, Mr. Grizz,

I second the Adirondacks suggestions. I'm up there close to every August to take advantage of the paddling, and a September or October canoe camping trip after the summer crowds are gone can't be beat.

Another of my favorite August trips is the West Branch Penobscot from Lobster Lake to Chesuncook Village. Mosquitos are on the downswing, you can get some cool nights, and there aren't any portages. Along with some phenomenal campsites. And possible excursions up Caucomgomoc Stream or further into Chesuncook Lake (which can be windy as a b*st*rd sometimes) can extend any trip.

And an Allagash lakes trip in August is always nice. Down river below the lakes is taking a chance sometimes with water levels.

I am in your area and always looking for someone to go with. I plan on hitting the Adirondack Labor day weekend going to Algonquin mid August
So, if anyone has some advice on good New England trips to do in August, I'd love to hear about them!

Thanks everyone and I'm looking forward to tapping into everyone's collective knowledge

The Machias River in downeast Maine might be an option. There's some good info on google, shuttles are not going to break the bank, lots of white water but there are portages also and it's all free.

I have camped on 4th Machias and 3rd Machias lakes myself I never did the white water river sections.
If you don't mind people watching the Saco holds water in August. From Swans Falls to Hiram is a nice three day trip. 43 miles. There is a lot of camping on sandbars
The Machias River in downeast Maine might be an option. There's some good info on google, shuttles are not going to break the bank, lots of white water but there are portages also and it's all free.

I have camped on 4th Machias and 3rd Machias lakes myself I never did the white water river sections.

The Machias is probably not very doable right now - the portion between Third and Second lakes is pretty bony even with good water, and likely virtually impassable now. Come spring, however, it is a lovely trip and I would highly recommend it.
The St. Croix River on the border with Canada is dam-controlled and generally has higher water levels in the late summer than others. The whitewater is on the tame side, but if you like gentle rapids it has lots. It does get pretty crowded in July and August.