Really cool video Robin. Thanks for that. Nice shoulder season trip guys.
A little inclement weather makes a fire all the more welcoming.
A little inclement weather makes a fire all the more welcoming.
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What creek was it that you paddled up with the beaver dams?? Was that the connecting creek from Horseshoe Lake?
Robin , Would have liked to have made it up there but just got back from a week in Maine two days before & the bride would have took it hard but I was considering it.Did the other fellows hunt ?. Get any good reading material to take with you ? Buck season doesn't start in Pa. till the end of November , don't think I would know how to deer hunt without freezing my tail off but that's just part of the scenery !
Great pics and video Robin !
A chill went down my spine when I saw that Marlin rocking on the gunnels, and soaking up all that moisture ! I'm guessing you can shoot from a canoe where you are at.
Good to see you folks are keeping the snow down that way, we have not had but a few flakes yet.
Once you get a faux w/c Kevlar canoe you can do those trips for the next years Robin, good on you though, nice Hudson's Bay blankie and paddle.
LOL...yes Alan, "hunting"is actually code for manly feats of endurance including but not limited to the use of canoes, beer, whiskey, dogs, fires, whiskey again, cigars, guns,....and occasionally seeking out tasty woodland creatures. On rare, when not in season... you may indeed find such creatures.This is great. I guess I've had a distorted view of hunting my whole life but now that Canotrouge, Mem, and Robin have shown me how it's done I realize that I can be a hunter without having to give up my vegetarianism! Looking forward to regaining some of my manhood and swapping stories about the one that got away with my fellow hunters.
Did you ever post what the weight difference was before and after your modifications?