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Hook in finger (not for the squeamish)

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
On my recent trip I managed to get a treble hook stuck in my finger,

I hooked into this small pike,


Everything was going to plan, he was calm and the hook looked like a quick disconnect,


Woops, he started flopping around and caught my tee shirt,


Next he drove that treble hook right into my finger, burying the barb deep enough as to where it was not a option to pull the hook straight out. I got the pike off the hook and released it, but now I'm caught,


Out come the pliers and I ended up pulling the barb through skin and out of the meat where I squeezed the barb down,


almost there, squeeze it down and push it out the way it came in,


Done, rinse it off in the lake and good to go.

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Ouch! I carry one of these just in case. Removes a barbed hook quick and easy.


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You are lucky it didn't get infected, I would think there would be a lot of bacteria on a fish hook. I have a pair of floating pliers that I got from Peragis in Minn. that I always keep handy. Toothy fish and treble hooks are a bad combo.
Ouch! I have been there! I once slid down a river bank while trout fishing, when I hit the water, my hand slid down the rod. Which was also where the hook was resting on an eyelet. Right into the meat of my ring finger. Problem was that the hook wrapped around the bone so to speak and we couldn't push it anywhere near the other side. Off to the clinic we went. I was 11 I think.
Wow, Good job on getting it out. I hope the hook was sharp when you had to push it thru. Bonus points for getting it on film Robin - a true artist reaches for the camera before the pliers!

2' snot rockets are fun to catch - not fun to release.
I used to scoff at the idea of barbless hooks but it is the law here in MB so I have gotten used to it. Let me tell ya, it is super easy to detach a fish for release. And honestly I don't lose very many because of the barbs, or lack of. Plus then you get bragging rights.

" Yeah, I could use barbed hooks, but its too easy. I like a challenge." You might as well poke them in the eye...lol. Sit back and watch the sparks.

Taking the front treble off is a good idea too ...less sharps to grrrrrrrrab you.

Glad you got it out...ouch!
I had a rooster tail snagged on an opposite river bank once and after pulling real hard, the line snapped back and said rooster tail lodged itself right in my neck! Took about 5 minutes to get the SOB out since I couldn't see what was under my chin. Another good use for the leatherman.
HaHa, I know I should go barbless, carry a hook disgorger, leaders, glove disinfect....half arsed I guess, always been that way.
In Kenora hospital there used to be a display of all the fishing lures they have removed from fisherfolk over the years. Very amusing. Use barbless hooks. CBC this morning had a report of a loon that swallowed a pickerel rig. Despite being illegal the hooks had barbs. Loon had to be euthanised. If Manitoba hasn't got the resources to enforce the law on the water then maybe they should be banned from sale.
If Manitoba hasn't got the resources to enforce the law on the water then maybe they should be banned from sale.

Most people don't bother to check the regulations and some don't even care. The fines for illegal fishing and poaching here are abysmal. The stores don't sell hooks/lures with barbless, too expensive, so it comes down to the anglers doing it. Barbless are always easier to remove, just push it through rather than pulling it out the entry hole, if easier.
Most people don't bother to check the regulations and some don't even care. The fines for illegal fishing and poaching here are abysmal. The stores don't sell hooks/lures with barbless, too expensive, so it comes down to the anglers doing it. Barbless are always easier to remove, just push it through rather than pulling it out the entry hole, if easier.
Barbless are way more popular in Europe, probably because it is almost all catch and return so that it has become culturally unacceptable to use barbed hooks. A proactive publicity campaign would help and maybe some signs in the stores. Maybe there should be a fishing exam! I am always worried our dog will get a hook caught in her leg, I have found line with hooks at quite a few portages, campsites and launching places in Manitoba.
In the Adirondacks the Old Forge Medical Center has a couple of displays of lures taken out of unsuspecting folks over the years. I've only gone through the experience once (fishing with my Dad...bass bug in the finger...Dad popped it out, cut off the hook and it was done) but that was enough for me. It's the main reason I don't use multiple hook, especially treble hooks, lures anymore. I figure one is enough. Either I catch the fish or I don't. As it is, I should probably take the advice and make all my hooks barbless. I guess old habits die hard.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

" On a recent trip I managed to get a treble hook stuck in my finger..."
Geeze Robin, you ought to know by now live bait is a no-no in Ontario.
I have become a huge fan of barbless hooks. In a pure survival situation you may want barbs but any other time they are just not necessary.I agree that a publicity campaign for barbless would be a great idea as would the whole catch and release philosophy.
This method works extremely well, I've used it several times on people, though mostly with single hook flies have also used it a couple times with trebels. The victim usually doesn't even know the hook is out , no ripping , no additional pain. By pushing down on the eye of the hook, the barb will slide out without catching any flesh. The guy who showed me had us practice on a pigs foot, jab a 1/0 hook in and just pop it out.
​ I used to be a fly fishing instructor and guide in a previous life so saw lots of hooks in flesh with beginners.
​Barbless is the way to go, and wear polarized glasses and a wide brim hat, it's like body armor for fly fishermen, and it helps you see in the water better as well.


John M
Robin I was watching your video a couple of nights ago and I replayed the hook removal segment for the wife to let her know that this hook removal procedure is common practice lol. A couple of years ago while fishing for walley on Lake Erie i caught a 15-20 pound cat fish on big Rapala Taildancer and when trying to remove the lure the same thing happened to me. Left index finger clear into the bone. She just about got sick watching me twisting and pulling on that hook before it finally popped out.
Thanks John M, that's a really handy hook removal method to know. I hope I never need it, but it's good to be prepared.