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WTB - used lightweight solo canoe in the NE

Oct 1, 2024
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
I've test paddled and really enjoyed the Rheaume Reble, the Swift Cruiser series, and a Curtis nomad but just haven't found quite the right boat at the right price for what I can afford at the moment. If anyone is selling or has any hot leads, please let me know. I'm based in Rochester but willing to take a bit of a road trip for the right boat.

I've test paddled and really enjoyed the Rheaume Reble, the Swift Cruiser series, and a Curtis nomad but just haven't found quite the right boat at the right price for what I can afford at the moment. If anyone is selling or has any hot leads, please let me know. I'm based in Rochester but willing to take a bit of a road trip for the right boat.

Try a WildFIRE - hands down the most "fun to paddle" canoe ever IMHO! Much more maneuverable than any you mentioned, ideally paddled kneeling, great for a combo lake and river tripping, creekin', and joy paddling. The design was originally built by Bell but the mold was moved to NY and built by Placid and Colden before heading up to Ontario where it is now built by Swift (and beautiflly so!). They have the 2023 demo on sale right now up at Algonquin Outfitters and if I had the money I would be on my way up there now! I think this is the exact boat on sale:

Try a WildFIRE - hands down the most "fun to paddle" canoe ever IMHO! Much more maneuverable than any you mentioned, ideally paddled kneeling, great for a combo lake and river tripping, creekin', and joy paddling. The design was originally built by Bell but the mold was moved to NY and built by Placid and Colden before heading up to Ontario where it is now built by Swift (and beautiflly so!). They have the 2023 demo on sale right now up at Algonquin Outfitters and if I had the money I would be on my way up there now! I think this is the exact boat on sale:

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Beautiful! Thanks for the tip! I went to their site but didn't see the boat listed and it looked like all their used swifts were sold anyway. If you have a direct link, please share and I'll definitely keep an eye out.
There are a number of great used and demo. solo canoes on sale at Hemlock Canoe Works.
Scroll all the way down to see the special consignment canoes.
Agree with all the above, especially re: WildFire. Mine’s a Colden (favorite of all my canoes, if I could have only one…)
So many great designs, for every intended use…
What do you paddle most (rivers, fast or slow; lakes, big or small; or all the above. Day trips or tripping. What do you weigh and how much gear ya traveling with? Traveling with a dog)?
What’s your experience? Sit or kneel? Do you have a solid J stroke? Double blade?
Best advice I ever got was get the boat you’re gonna use 90% of the time, not the one for your dream trip.
Check out Facebook; North American Canoe Trader: for great opportunities.
Solo Canoeist and Solo Canoe are also great resources.
I prefer padding boats before I buy. Hemlock has demo days. wpascr.org (1st weekend in June) is probably the best opportunity to try(and buy) lots of great quality canoes.
Hope this helps. Let us know what you get!
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